Popular social media sites such as Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, TikTok, and more can take up hours of our day every single day. Social media can be a place of comparison for many people. Personally, I only use Snapchat, TikTok, and Facebook as my only sources for social media, but I only post on my TikTok frequently. I used to have Twitter for about a year and a half before I deactivated my account and I have never had Instagram. I hear most complaints about comparison from Instagram, though. I can tell by my college and high school friends how much it matters for them to have the perfect picture with the perfect filter and how much it matters for them to look like they have the perfect body. I think that social media can definitely be used for good, especially for people who make money from social media or who spread information through it. But, other than that, it can be really toxic.
Sometimes, on social media, we allow ourselves to take in and receive information that can affect how we feel because we cannot control what or when other people post. For example, I used to be okay with being single and I am now, but I went through a phase when social media posts used to make me feel lonely (and still sometimes do) because of all of the couple posts that I see. If I would have stayed off social media, I probably would not have even thought about being lonely.
Not only have I compared my dating life to others, but I have also compared my looks. I went through a phase when I did not like or appreciate my natural hair at all. I would always get my hair straightened or wished that my curl pattern was different. There were so many times when I doubted or shamed myself because of comparing myself to other girls. Social media can affect us a lot without us even noticing it because as soon as we see something we like, we may automatically start comparing ourselves to other people.
With that being said, for the new year, I am debating if I want to completely delete my Snapchat and Facebook. It is hard to decide because some people only use social media instead of contacting people in other ways. Then there is the debate that I can just call or text whoever I want to actually keep in touch with. Deleting all of my social media pages would honestly be a huge decision for me just because I am so used to social media and do not know who I would lose contact with or who I would forget to contact. It is a lot to think about, but I still may delete my social media accounts just for the sake of my happiness.