It's the end of April, meaning the new year resolutions for 2017 are either completely forgotten or are about to be (probably the former). I had only one resolution at this beginning of this year; to prepare myself mentally and all around to be equipped to fulfill my new year resolution for 2018 (I'm always thinking of the future, I'm organized that way). But seriously, I don't think I know anyone who actually sticks to their new year resolutions for more than four months, talk less for the whole year. People are people and change doesn't come easy to us. If your new year resolution is to go to the gym constantly without having set foot in one prior to the new year (except that one time earlier in the year... January 1st, of course), you will surely run out of steam and give up not long after. You have to ease into it.
Here's a list of some of the most cliche (not bad, just cliche) new year resolutions I've ever heard:
1. New Year, New Me.
Really? It takes one second for you transform into an entirely different person? I mean, I know that's not a literal resolution but putting a timer on such a drastic life change just seems unrealistic to me.
2. Eat healthy, exercise.
It's always a good time time get in shape and get healthy, but it's not easy to give up junk food. Hello, Subway (you've gotta start somewhere, right?)
3. Be more open to people.
I'm fine in my bubble thank you very much.
4. Travel the world.
Is there some magic money-giving well I don't know about? Why haven't I found this yet? I always thought this one was strange. New year resolutions don't work like magic, shouldn't there be another resolution to maybe work more to get more money for this? (Unless, of course, you're already a money bag).
5. Spend less, save more.
It's funny how this always ends up being the reverse for me: spend more (much, much more) and save when I remember- or start going broke. Of course, its always a good idea to save money when you can, its just not going to happen because, you know, stuff.
If new year resolutions work for you though, do you boo boo.
Do you.