As the new year approaches we look back at all the things we did not do, all the resolutions we did not meet, and we begin to write out new resolutions for the coming year. Why is it that we wait until this moment where a year ends and another begins to decide to change our lives for the better?
I suppose it is something about a new beginning that makes us hopeful that this coming year will be any different than the last. It is like the end of every year is the end of an era. But really it is just another year conquered and another year lived. I am not saying that this is no cause for celebration, because it is! We made it through another year, another period of time, another chunk of our lives! And that is an accomplishment and a blessing.
New Year's Day is like celebrating everyone’s birthday all in one night. That is what a birthday is after all, a celebration of life, of existence, of having made it another year. In that case it is personal. In the case of New Year’s Day, it is more of the human race having made it up to this point. And like I said, it is something to celebrate after a previous year of hardships or even successes.
We reflect back to that previous year and ponder on all the things we missed, our failures, all the things we did wrong, and all our triumphs. In celebrating the new year, we let go of the old one in the hopes that things will improve in our next chapter. But we are the only ones that can improve our next chapter with our actions. This is why again I ask: Why is it that we wait until this moment where a year ends and another begins to decide to change our lives for the better?
Many of us do not accomplish everything we seek to accomplish in the year. We forget about our new year's resolutions shortly after having made them and live life as we always have. So starting a new year should not be when we decide to change because that is really just the excitement and emotions of the moment talking. If we really want to change and mean to change our lives, it has got to be in the moment we realize something needs to change, not after a year of constantly making the same decisions.
So yes, let us reflect on our year on New Year’s Eve when we are counting down the last seconds of the year, but let us not decide there that we want to do a million and one things to change our next year! Rather, think about one that you know you can truly accomplish and that you truly want to accomplish and start it randomly in the next year. If you start it in the beginning when your spirit is in a high place from all the year end’s adrenaline, you will start with all your energy, but shortly after get bored and tired. Besides, if you honestly want to accomplish such goal, the same willpower will be there months later when you decide to take action on its behalf.