2017: Another year to take chances, make memories, learn from mistakes, and grow.
As we say "goodbye" to the last 366 days, we are already thinking about how to improve ourselves and maintain or increase our happiness for the new year. Many people have goals that focus on their health, wealth, education, and relationships. Every goal matters; however many go unnoticed and then become forgotten. Some people think New Year's resolutions and goals are worthless and do not bother creating any. I used to be that way, until 2016.
When the clock struck midnight on January 1, 2016, I was not thinking about what improvements I wanted to make, and I surely could not predict the events that would occur during the upcoming months. I celebrated the new year and made mental notes as to what I could do better in 2016; however, there was not a formal list that was written in my planner or a timeline for when items needed to be crossed off. I made my goals as the year progressed. A goal that was created on January 1st may not be relevant by October 22nd. We never know what obstacles we will have to face and overcome, so making and revising goals, as challenges arise, seems to be a beneficial way to conquer the new year. It is important to have a guideline for what we want to accomplish and focus on during each year. 365 days of endless possibilities could be wasted if we skate through each week without having a goal in mind
No matter the year, there will be days that you will need to prioritize and decide how you would rather spend your time. There are days that you have to decide who you would rather spend your days off with and sometimes those decisions can be very difficult. New Year's goals can, and should, take into consideration the people that matter most to you. Whether it is more visits home on the weekends, lunch dates with your grandparents, or calling your friends from home, it is important to make time for family and friends. In 2016, I realized how necessary it is to be around family because we truly do not know how much time we will have together. The decisions that you make and the goals that you set need to be in your best interest. Most likely, being around your loved ones will be a great use of your downtime (plus you get a home-cooked meal or two).
This New Year's, remember not to stress about making a list and checking it at the end of each month or deadline. Think about what matters most to you, and what you would like to accomplish throughout the year. If nothing comes to mind, then prepare for whatever challenge will be thrown your way because there will always be something. Happy 2017!