Hey you,
You have grown up in the past year. Last year, at this very moment, you were sipping jungle juice from a red plastic Solo cup you clenched onto tightly. You were amongst your friends as loud chuckles, shrieks, and rap music blasted into your ears. The clock was ticking, it was almost midnight, and the only thought that lingered in your mind was how this was going to be YOUR year. You jotted down some ambitious resolutions earlier that day. Your mind conjured dreams of how the year would pan out. Innocently, you smiled with optimistic hopes for what was to come.
The countdown began. As voices got louder, you took one last gulp of the bright colored concoction in your cup. It burned down your throat, and warmed your rosy cheeks. Then the shouts of "HAPPY NEW YEAR" pierced your ears. Kisses and cheers filled the room. You always found this moment anticlimactic each year, but you smiled the brightest of smiles anyways. There you were with only a dazzling future ahead.
This year is different. You've grown up. That jungle juice has been traded in for a glass of cheap chardonnay, and your friends basement has been long forgotten as you lean against a stool in your local crowded bar. You have matured and you believe your outlook on this year has as well. Your resolutions changed from daring to practical. You are well aware of how a year did not make you transform into a Victoria Secret Model or billionaire. You are mature now, you tell yourself, as you take casual sips of your wine. Your mind drifts to replays of imperative moments in the past year, and you just roll your eyes at yourself thinking you couldn't and wouldn't possibly make those mistakes again.
When you called out of work to do something "that was so great." You could have really used the money.
Those times you were the sloppiest of drunk girls, and made a fool of yourself. No more of those times
you say...
Oh, or what about the jerk who you let play with your heart this year? That was cute. Remember the hours wasted on that boy? And what did he do? Oh yeah that's right, just give you enough time to start falling for him, to then change his mind. Definitely not taking any more risks in that area of life.
And there you go onto letting more "mistakes" of this year flood into your mind. No more of that...You are mature, you need to grow up. You repeat these ideas over and over as if you were rehearsing for the biggest speech of your life, but why? Why do you want to be old and mature? And since when did years older turn into busy and boring?
You are in your twenties. Why do you want to act all grown up? Do you remember how you miss those innocent moments of your teens? How little things like getting in a car with a boy felt invigorating, and you had the world at your finger tips? So this year why drop all innocence? Why grow up? Why be practical? Why try to be old and mature and instead just let it stumble upon you naturally. Put down the wine, and order something irresponsible, and hear me out.
Your twenties is not the time where you need to be perfect, have everything sorted, and know what is going to happen. So do something crazy. Blast your music while you still are able to hear. Drink shitty alcohol and have some of those rough nights because you do love reliving them over brunch the next morning. Fall for those f*ckboys, but just do not fall too hard. Make mistakes. Call out of work and go on a secret adventure while you still have the energy to do so. Save up your money and blow it on "something reckless and irresponsible." Make memories, take excursions. Eat pizza at 2 a.m. with your friends because never in your life will it be as cheap or as acceptable again. Skip a workout, and burn your calories dancing the night away with your friends instead. Have Sunday Fund-Days, Margarita Mondays, Tequila Tuesdays, Wine Wednesdays, and whatever other days you can imagine while the hangovers are not as bad as they will be in ten years. And most IMPORTANTLY of all...try something new every single day. 2016 has 366 days (it is a leap year)! That is 366 new opportunities to have fun, learn something new, or change your life. They can be huge like go skydiving! They can also be small like taking a new road or path on a hike, or sit down for five minutes and teach yourself how to juggle. Who knows? Those little things might be the things that wind up making those big life changes. It will be a challenge but it will be fun. So try something new, do something crazy, do something the "normal you" would never do-and with that I guarantee that this year will actually be "your year."
So here's to 2016, and let new fun, adventures, challenges, talents, excursions, and dreams fill your year. Here's to you, this will be your year.
Someone also in your shoes