New Years Eve Away From Home | The Odyssey Online
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New Years Eve Away From Home

Welcome 2017, please be good to us.

New Years Eve Away From Home

Halloween seems like forever ago, you’re pretty sure you’re still stuffed from Thanksgiving, you forgot what it’s like to actually have to wake up and go to class, and Christmas has come and gone as gracefully as it has each year prior. As the last few days of December roll around, excitement is running through our veins (and probably champagne, too).

We celebrate the year behind of us and welcome the year ahead of us with energetic music, and striking clothes. We balance in our highest heels with a cool drink raised to the sky, as we count down with the rest of the millions of other people promising themselves too that this year is going to be the year. Confetti and screams consume us as the clock strikes 12. Now whether you’re watching Jenny McCarthy and Ryan Seacrest from the comfort of your own home, the chilly exuberant streets of New York City, or an equally energetic house party, we each experience the .2 seconds of chills dancing up and down our spine, that moment where regardless of how loud the world is, ours slows down and we realize we’ve been given a clean slate. The clock resets and we turn back to page one.

As we grew up we attended family parties, we spent the night counting down with our cousins, taking pictures, and dreaming about what it would be like to actually go to Times Square one day. The table was covered with little hot dogs, chips and dip, and five different kinds of cheeses. 11:50 would approach and everyone would gather in one room in front of the TV counting down the departure of the old year, and the arrival of everything new. The champagne bottle would make its appearance, your uncle would hand out the glasses and you and your cousins would act like hot stuff, because of the sparkly glass filled with bubbly apple cider in your hand. Then you would go around the room hugging and kissing each and every one of the familiar faces around the room, aunts, uncles, cousins, and siblings and of course the biggest embrace for mom and dad. Everyone who changed your diapers, took care of you when you were sick, gave you advice when some stupid boy came around, advice when a good one came around, sleepovers, holidays, Sunday dinners, everyone gathered around the table on those nights, everyone who held your hand those days, and stood by you during the rough times, everyone. The important people from the past 19 years were standing in that room celebrating together with wide smiles, and full hearts.

As 12 o'clock strikes tonight you find yourself surrounded by friends. The few you know you’ll continue to grow with. The people who took care of you while you were away at college. The people you sat down for dinner with, the friends you laughed with, cried with, the friends who became family. Fast-forward and you’ll be standing in your own kitchen, with your college friends, your family, continuing the same traditions you had as a child.

You’re in a crowded room of people you’ve only known a short while, the apple cider is a little stronger, and the screaming at 12 isn’t accompanied by your uncle popping open the champagne bottle, but your own shouting over a static phone call home. After kissing your friends, maybe the stranger next to you, you run outside and FaceTime home despite the blurry picture, you wish your family a Happy New Year and say hello to everyone too far away to touch. You scream over the noise, end the call and stand in the cold, the same chilling moment makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, the chills crawl up your spine. I’m growing up. This year may not be the year, but it’ll certainly be one of growth and new experiences, and you're thankful for that.

Pass the apple cider.

Welcome, 2017. Please, be good to us.

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