It always seems like New Years comes around so fast and you can’t believe the past year is over and you’re now welcoming a new year. New Years is a time to reflect on the last year, to reflect on all the bad things that happened, the good things, and the okay things that you can’t really put in the first two categories. New Years is a time to create your resolutions for the next year. Most of us create them but can’t remember them as the New Year rolls around. There’s New Years resolutions to lose weight, eat healthier, meet new people, find ‘the one’ and more. And for some people resolutions help but others they don’t.
A lot of people will preach that we need to ditch New Years resolutions but I don’t entirely agree with that. Setting a goal for yourself is an awesome way to motivate yourself to become a better you. The only problem I find in New Years Resolutions are the ones that are pushing yourself to become someone or something you aren’t. I hate the "new year new me" saying. Every year changes us, we make it through the good, the bad, and we grow from all of it. Something or someone may come along and change your life like a relationship, a marriage, a new baby, a sickness, anything but that doesn’t change who you are. Your New Year’s resolutions should be to grow and become a better you not a new person.
Everyday is a new day and life has it’s way of throwing things at us just when we aren’t expecting it and that’s why people make goals as the New Year rolls around but that gives a lot of us an excuse to push off our goals ‘because we have a whole year to do it.’ But the reality is if you want something in life you have to tackle it by running head first into it. It doesn’t have to be New Years to make a change in your life. It could be the middle of the summer or the day after Halloween.
You can’t take life for granted, it can be so unfair at the worst times. Don’t wait to become a better you, to be happy, to call your family, to tell them you love them, to hug your parents. Be happy for what you have every single day. Make your New Years resolution something that you can achieve by working at it every single day, something you can tackle way before the next New Years comes along. Build the life that makes you happy every single day of every single year. Happy New Years!