Wow. It’s the end of 2016 already? It seemed to fly by AND drag on all at the same time! I don’t think anyone expected 2016 to be the nightmare that it was, but I think we’re all ready to KILL IT WITH FIRE…
I mean... Ring in the new year… Of course that’s what I meant… Heh. Heh.
The new year is always a new beast to handle. And if 2017 turns out as bad as 2016, it is going to be a terrible, terrible beast! But, ready or not, here it comes! So why not face 2017 with some hope and bravery, huh?
It seems that everyone always looks forward to the new year like it is a chance for a clean slate. Man, I really wish I had that kind of optimism! The new year is by no means a clean slate. Especially not after some of the common New Year’s celebrations….
Okay, so, as a general rule, people like to stay up until midnight just so they can be awake for the first few moments of the new year. Uh… Why? It’s just a new day, like any other, except now you have to remember that the last number of the year is different when you put dates on things. And don’t you have to work tomorrow? What job are you working where all the employees get to slack off for day one of the new year because SIGN ME UP.
The next part of celebrating the new year is going out, drinking, most likely getting drunk. Again, why? I get it. Nobody wants to remember 2016. But why get drunk to forget the first few moments of 2017 that you stayed up all night to experience!? And still, DON’T YOU HAVE TO WORK TOMORROW?! If not, I still want your job.
While you’re staying up and getting drunk, you and your entire party is eagerly eyeing the television. Now, flashing lights are exciting, but I have never understood the allure of watching the “Ball Drop.” Like, I know that that is how one officially “rings in” the new year, but it still seems silly to me. Let’s watch this ball of lights reach the bottom and, at the end of the countdown…
… kiss someone? Or in Michele Tanner’s case, kiss a dog, but when you’re drunk, how are you going to remember the difference? Really though. I can understand kissing your significant other, but don’t you do that any other day? What makes it so special on January 1st?
Alright, so maybe I don’t get the celebrations for the New Year, but a large amount of people certainly do celebrate in these ways. All I know is that I’m going to be curled up under blankets and asleep by the time it becomes January 1st. Or perhaps I’ll be working on writing the date with 2017 at the end instead of 2016 (because who actually remembers to write the right date?). All I know for sure is that I’m going to be home and cozy. And not writing resolutions.
Tell me how you plan to spend your New Year’s eve in the comments below!