The New Year is rapidly approaching and I'm here to give you my personal tips on how to actually follow through with your New Year resolutions.
Clean your room
It's about to be 2017, get rid of all the stuff you've been hoarding for the last year! Stuff you know deep down inside you're never going to wear or use again. If it's still in good condition sell it, better yet, donate it to to a thrift store or a charity close to you.
Get a planner
Personally, I can buy a thousand planners and agendas and I still won't use them. However, get what works for you. I prefer several large dry-erase calendars, so I can plan out my month and visually see my to-do list for the entire month. I like to have more than one in a different space so I won't forget what time I have to work, assignments that are due, etc. Writing down your responsibilities and your goals is great because you get to visually see things getting done!
Tell your friends/family
Telling your New Year resolutions to the people close around you can benefit you because they can hold you accountable. It's so easy to slip back into old routines when there is no one to check you. And you might have some common goals with them so you're able to help each other become a better person.
Reward yourself
Write down the things you want to accomplish, when you want to accomplish them, and the thing you're going to reward yourself when you meet your goal. This not only helps you to meet your goal, it also gives you something to look forward to and also it feels pretty rewarding knowing that you met the goals you set for the New Year.