As the clock strikes midnight, people gather around in celebration of what the upcoming year will bring. Soon people will be reflecting on their past year and thinking about all the improvements they want to make in the forthcoming year. "New Year's Resolutions" will be tossed around in conversation amongst people who want to flourish in the upcoming year. "Resolutions" is an intense word that puts a lot of high expectations on the things you are trying to achieve. The key isn't to set unachievable new year's resolutions, but instead goals to achieve that don't have a time limit.
As the new year comes full force, many people hope that this is the year for them. This is possible if you don't put too much pressure on it. If you put so much pressure on the new year to be perfect, then any slight inconvenience can have you thinking that your year is ruined - but it's not. Life is full of unexpected and unexplainable instances. Some days are going to be better than others, some days you will have to make your sunshine. Some days you're going to want to eat comfort food and not go to the gym. The goal is to listen to your body, mind, and spirit. It's okay to trail off your original plan. It's okay to do things that some people might not understand or expect of you. A realistic goal is allowing yourself to grow and grow authentically. Putting harsh expectations on the new year only sets yourself up for disappointment.
The key is to set realistic goals. A common goal that is set around the new year is going to the gym. Instead of making a schedule of how many times you should go to the gym, you can ask yourself, "how does my body feel? Did I overdo it yesterday at the gym? Should I take a rest day? Did I have a long day at work? Would going to the gym enhance my mood or would I just be more exhausted?" Some days you may look forward to the gym and some days you might not. It's about having a healthy balance and realizing that it's okay to push yourself, but don't push yourself to the extent that you're not caring for your wellbeing.Every time you set a goal it's important to remember that not every day is going to be the same. It's okay to have off days. There's no getting past them no matter how hard you may try. How you react to the off days makes the biggest difference. Your new year's goal isn't going to be tarnished if you skip leg day once in a while. It's all about consistency. If you are consistent with your goals, then your off days will not catch up to you.
New Year's Goals are meant to be for growth and self-discovery. The bar should not be exceptionally high that they are unattainable. They should be where you feel comfortable and see the most growth happening. After all, no one else should not set your goals. This year I challenge you to be nicer to yourself, give yourself a little more grace, and remember to live in the moment. It's okay if every week looks a little different because everyone's growth is unique and beautiful.