Rituals for the best 2019 | The Odyssey Online
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9 'New Year' Rituals To Start 2019 Full Of Prosperity, Love And Money

You may think I am crazy, but the truth is one of my best friends did it, and she met her husband that year.


Hello, I am Maria, and I am superstitious. Yes, I am the kind of person who wears the same pair of jeans each time she has an important test to take; I only get a haircut when the moon is on crescent; I don't say my plans to anyone because they can laugh at them; I don't watch my favorite baseball team's games because they lost three in a row the last time I watched them. As you see, I am a believer.

New Year Eve is one of my favorite days because I can use all of my rituals for prosperity, love, health and money in one day. I know it sounds crazy, but if we have the chance to move the energies to make our year better we should try, shouldn't we?

I want to share with you my favorite traditions for December 31st. I have done all of them, and I think they work.

1. Twelve grapes.


It is a Spanish tradition. You need to eat twelve grapes as soon as "New Year" comes. In Spain, they eat each grape with each bell (They welcome the new year with the twelve bells of "Puerta del Sol"), the idea is to make a wish for each grape.

If you want to try this tradition, my best piece of advice is to have your dozen grapes ready, counted and without seeds. Believe me; it is hard to eat that number of grapes in that kind of short time.

2. Walking with suitcases.


If you want to travel next year, the best ritual for your trip to come true is to take your suitcases and walk around your neighborhood. The bags can be empty; the idea is to move all your energy to the idea of packing and walking with the suitcases like when you have a trip.

3. Stand on a chair.

Mayur Gala

You should receive the new year standing up on a chair. Why? This ritual is going to help you to get a boyfriend or girlfriend next year. You think I am crazy, but the truth is one of my best friends did it, and she met her husband that year.

4. Sea bath.


Going to the beach is always a good idea; it is even better when you decide to wait for the new year on the beach. Since you are on the beach, you can have a sea bath to clean your body, your energies and your life from old energies and renew yourself. Of course, this idea works better if you are in Florida or a Caribbean island.

5. Eat lentils.


Lentils are associated with good luck and prosperity; then, making lentils as your last meal of the year will have a year full of good luck. Also, lentils are healthy and full of vitamins; at least you can have a proper and delicious meal to close the year.

6. Yellow underwear.

Shanghai Daily

Another ritual for prosperity is receiving the new year wearing yellow underwear. The best is if you use the yellow underwear for the first time. If you don't like yellow pieces of clothes, you can have something yellow in your hands at 12:00 pm.

7. Cleaning the house.


The best way to start a new year is cleaning your house. I am talking about a deep cleaning where you throw away all the things attaching you to the past you want to leave. To make this cleaning better, you can use lavender and sandalwood essence. Some people like to open all the windows and doors to make the energies go away and the new ones come inside the house.

8. Hands full of money.


There is an expression which says: "Money calls money." If you want to call money for the next twelve months, you should receive the new year with some cash in your hands. Maybe, you are thinking about high nomination currency, but the truth is a $1 bill is perfect.

The $1 bill is full of symbology elements for prosperity, such as pyramids, eyes and eagles. Then, with our single bill, you can have altogether: money and symbolism.

9. Under the table.


Another ritual to help you to find the love is receiving the new year under a table. Why? I don't know, but it worked for me a couple of years ago. He was not the love of my life, but it was a good time.

You can try only one or all of them. I cannot promise the nine rituals will work, but I can assure you will have a good time trying them. Of course, as soon as you finish, you must celebrate, have some drinks and dance. It is the New Year.

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