With every year that ends we realize how much stuff we haven't done that we wanted to do that year. There are so many little goals we set for ourselves that, in the end, even with a whole year to do them, we have neglected. But in making new resolutions we renew the hope that this year will be different, this year we will check off all our goals and feel good about ourselves. Here are a few things we should all add to our resolution checklist this year:
Self Care
This year I hope we can all remember to take care of ourselves first. Drink more water, exercise enough, eat healthy, be kind to yourself even just with the thoughts in your head, your body needs it and your mind needs it. Don't be afraid to take a day off, you are not being selfish. If you need a day to just be alone and take care of your physical and mental health a real friend will understand canceled plans.
Give to those who need it
Helping others is one of the most fulfilling things to do with your time and money. If you don't have time then donate a little bit of money to a charity of your choice. If you do have time go help a locally run operation. If you have both time and money do whatever you want! Remember that not everyone who needs help is human, go help out at a pet shelter if you like, play with the cats or walk some dogs, they will love it!
Learn what is going on in our world
It's important to know what is going on around us as well as what is going on far away. Since everyone reading this has at least some access to the internet I suggest using this privileged quantity of information that is at your disposal to educate yourself about what's happening to people who are far away from here and experiencing life very differently.
Check yourself
Stop for a minute at the beginning of 2017, look around at the people you surround yourself with, look at where your life is heading. Are you happy? Go from there. There is always something you can do to get your life back on track and there will always be good people that will take you in if you can just find them, it's worth it.
Every year has the potential to be 100 times better than the last. It really is all up to you, though. If it helps, hang up a list of your resolutions somewhere you will see it every day, try to get a little closer to your goals each day, if you don't succeed one day just remember that tomorrow is a new day and the year isn't ruined yet!