With 2017 around the corner and 2016 coming to an end, everyone begins to think about what would make 2017 better? Most people begin making a list of all the things they didn't accomplish in 2016 that they would like to accomplish in 2017. They also begin making a list of things to better themselves. From my experience, most things on the "to do list" never gets done, or falls short. I've even made a resolution to actually complete my resolutions (and even that didn't work, sadly). Here are some of the most commonly planned resolutions, that aren't always completed.
1. Hit the Gym
I actually signed up for a membership one year. I went for a solid 6 months, made myself proud, then cancelled the membership because I stopped going. So much for the gym plan I made for a 5-day workout. Oops.
2. Eat Healthier
This one worked for a solid week. Taco Bell is just way too good to pass up..
3. Save Money
Saving money is hard to do at times. Everything in life costs money- unless you just sit on your ass looking at a wall, but chances are you had to pay somehow to even look at that wall. Maybe it starts with not going out to eat three times a week, and only going out once. Or limiting your spending money (for pleasure, that is) to $40 a week. This worked for me for a while, but I couldn't tell you where exactly I went wrong..
4. Stop Procrastinating
Maybe for the second semester, I'll stop using Facebook while I write my essays, or maybe instead of taking frequent naps, I'll actually clean my room up. I feel as if procrastination is more of a daily resolution- maybe then getting work done would take half the time; but stopping procrastination could be a long-term goal too.
5. Travel More
Maybe this year I'll finally take that trip to Disney I've been hoping to take for years. Traveling more probably goes hand-in-hand with the "saving money" resolution. Can't really have one without the other.
6. Stop Texting... You Know Who
There comes a time when you should give up on a certain someone (and if a name just flashed to mind, then this relates to you). This year, start fresh with people who respect you and care to be in your lives; who actually want to talk to you and text you first, someone who treats you with respect. That is the kind of person you want to have in your life come 2017.
7. Quit Smoking
This is a good resolution, that is so hard to follow through with. I can't speak from personal experience, but I've heard how hard quitting smoking is. A lot of people quit for a few months, then find themselves smoking again. Regardless, quitting smoking is a great resolution to make.
8. Drink Less
Drinking less could help improve both health and your wallet. Just remember that, and maybe that will help you keep your resolution of drinking less.. or maybe not, but hopefully it does.