Everyone bombards you with that one nagging question once 11:59 becomes 12:00 on New Year's: "What are your New Year's Resolutions?!". Usually asked with a gleeful smile and only brought up because they actually have measurable goals for the new year. I find myself giving the same answers every year but with a fading comic effect as the truth rears its ugly head as time progresses: I'm going to sleep more! This doesn't cut it anymore sadly. Responses range from "that's it?" to "haha no really," and I inevitably feel bad for not having even thought about how I can improve my life for this year.
2019 is different for me. I've realized something after completing my first semester at college and I think it permits me to not feel goalless all the time. I don't need to think about any resolutions for this new year, because I've been working towards the same goals year after year. I want to make a name for myself, whether in my new college community or back at home. I want to train my heart out to make the USC track team, and I won't care if I make it or not because I will regret it till I die if I never at least try. I want to make a living early in life and be able to provide for a family in the future. These are not new thoughts. In fact, these weren't even new for last year.
The basis of avoiding regret and taking charge of my life is one that I constantly feel a nagging pull to achieve. I'm not saying I need to become a CEO of a top company, or become the most public figure on my campus, or be the Olympic trials athlete for the track team (but that would be pretty awesome). I'm saying I find value in the process of life instead of the finality of it all. A bit outdated of a phrase would be it's all about the journey and not the destination. Unfortunately, I haven't devised a refreshing contemporary parallel for this, so cliche is my direction for now. All in all, resolutions with such a definite goal in mind are good, but if you don't achieve them for this year, there may be some feelings of regret or maybe a loss of motivation. Turn these resolutions into "journey-oriented" goals and you'll feel greater the moment you start them.