To be honest, I think New Year's Resolutions are kind of dumb. I mean if you wanted to change your life or change a specific habit, why not just do it whenever you want to? Why wait for a specific "New Year." I won't get into the incredibly convoluted idea that time is just a societal standard and that it actually doesn't even exist and should really have no bearing on how we live our lives, so instead, I'll just tell you what my dub New Year's Resolutions are.
Being on my phone less
I am on my phone way too much. Like it's almost unhealthy. My screen time is so ridiculous that I won't even mention it, because I am actually embarrassed at how high it is. Okay fine. It's on average about 10 hours and 47 minutes a day. I know. It's horrible. However it has gone down. Recently, I've turned off all my notifications on social media, which has made me reach for my phone (and then be on it for about an hour) a lot less. I clearly have a long way to go in my goal of being on my phone less, but in 2021, I plan on doing more to reach that goal. Some of the things I plan on trying are not grabbing my phone immediately when I wake up and being on it for the next hour, as well as not being on it for hours before I go to bed. I feel like this coupled with being busy with my other resolutions will help me bring down my psychotic screen time.
Journaling more
I would really like to journal more. I have a journal that I write in periodically, but I would like to make it more of a daily thing, or at least an every couple of days thing. Everytime after I write in my journal, I think about how good it makes me feel, and how I should do it more. I enjoy doing it, and it makes me excited that when I'm old, I'll be able to read my journal and remember what I was like when I was 20. I normally only journal when I'm really upset about something, but I'd like to make it a habit to write more about when I'm happy. As cool as it will be to be old reading about my life at 20, it's going to really suck if 80 year old me is only reading about when I was really sad or heartbroken. I'd like to chronicle the good parts of my life as well so that old me can remember that I wasn't just a sad loser, and that I was (and still am) a bad bitch.
Procrastinating less
This is less of a resolution and more of a need. I know everyone jokes about being a bad procrastinator, but I procrastinate so badly that it's not even funny anymore. It actually makes my life a living hell, especially when it comes to school. It doesn't work with college. There is so much work to do at school and home constantly, and putting it all off until the last minute is horrible. It makes for a day of crazed, rushed work that all ends up half assed and terrible. It's so bad, I can't even explain it. So in 2021, I am going to change that. I have no idea how I'm going to do that, but I would really like to. In fact I literally need to.
Working out more
I know. This is always one of everyone's New Year's Resolutions. But I really would like to start working out more and lose weight. I was really into going into the gym a couple of months ago and I lost about 20 pounds. But unfortunately then, when I came back to college, I gained 10 of them back. I liked going to the gym and it made me feel good about myself, and I personally really liked my body when I was about 20 pounds lighter. However, it is what it is, you gain weight in college, whatever. But in 2021, I plan on getting back into the gym and losing all the weight I've gained back (and hopefully some more).
Learning how to cook
Similar to the procrastinating, this one is a need. I'm still in college, however I no longer live in the dorms. I have a home with a fully functioning kitchen that I literally never use. To be honest, I normally eat out or eat pizza rolls. Which definitely explains why I gained that weight back. When I lived in the dorms and really only had access to a microwave, I had an excuse for not being able to cook. But now, there is literally no excuse. I am a 20 year old adult, and I need to learn how to cook. I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to pull this off, but I am definitely going to try in 2021.