2015 is coming to a close fast, and as the end of the year approaches, one thing is certain -- your Facebook is about to blow up with people's New Year’s resolutions.
Whether you end up seeing the resolutions on social media or hearing about them in person, they are kind of annoying. Everyone makes promises to work out every day, eat healthier or complain less. Do people try to make the most unrealistic goals possible?
I don't know what's more outrageous; people's New Year's goals or how fast they find them unattainable.
The tradition of trying to change something about yourself as another year comes to a close is still alive, but how is that? Year after year, people make a goal of what they want to happen in the next year, or what they want to change about themselves. Yet, I feel most people have given up by February, if not sooner.
This is what I promise to myself this year as a New Year’s resolution: to be the best me I can be.
I'm not going to change a thing. You may think, "Why even make a resolution then, what's the point?"
The point is that I am making my goal for the new year not only more realistic, but also important.
People change to please others all the time. I'm guilty of it too. But that is something I want to change.
If your goal is to focus on yourself, you can accomplish so much. You can go to the gym more often and eat healthier without making just one of them your resolution. You can try be more positive, without having the negative feeling of letting yourself down if you get angry once and a while because that was not technically your resolution.
Basically, your resolution is to love yourself and not let anyone change you.
Everyone goes through events that change them as a person, and sometimes at the end of each of these life changing events you may wonder, “Who am I?" If you find yourself wondering this, this resolution is definitely the one for you.
We've all gone through things that alter how we think or act, and we end up realizing we've lost ourselves along the way. You may have lost your sass, spark, ambition or sense of empathy after everything you’ve been through. But no matter what you've lost, let 2016 be your year to bring back your old self better than ever. Let 2016 be your year to be bigger, better, smarter and stronger than before.
Don't let yourself be chained to resolutions that you'll be upset you didn't accomplish the next time 365 days is up. Commit yourself to being you 24/7 instead. Treat yo' self, have alone time and reflect on the past year. This will help you gain confidence while still staying true to who you are.
People always change, but don't let anyone change you into something you aren't. Being yourself and ensuring your own happiness is the best thing you can do for yourself, so why not make your goal for the new year to just be you?