When it comes to social media, it can be hard to decide who to follow back and who to leave "unfollowed." With social media rising in the past decade we've all accumulated an overwhelming number of following.
As I scroll through Instagram all I feel is anxiety and resentment. My home page is constantly being reloaded with new selfies and life updates. Since joining Instagram four years ago, I now follow 1,043 people. Actually, make that 1,042.
Through resentment, I've decided to take the steps to declutter my social media presence. Everytime I log on and browse I'm filled with annoyance. I'm sick of seeing the girl that called me a bitch in fourth period Junior year making a kissy face. Or the guy who I went on one date with and ghosted me, out drinking with his buddies. These people are irrelevant to me and the fact that I still let them have a presence in my life is absurd.
So here's what I'm doing, and you should too. Unfollow, unfriend, unlike every and any person whose face ruins your day. That friend that blew you off for her sorority sister or the guy who hit on your roommate in front of you. They don't deserve you. So click that button and one by one gain control. It's the easiest and cheapest thing you can do for yourself this coming year.