New Years is coming upon us, and you know what that means: those dreaded New Years Revolutions. I mean we all know you're only sticking to that "New Year, New Me" diet for one day, and that your New Year full of being kinder is going to end the minute that you have to wait at Starbucks for fifteen minutes longer than you expected, causing you to be in trouble with your boss because you chose a latte over being on time for work.
It's true, every year poor unfortunate souls make unrealistic new years resolutions that they only stick to for about a week into the new year. However, 2017 is the time to break the chain. 2017 is the year we should thirst to change the world around us.
2016 has been a year full of disaster and hatred: brother has turned against brother and God's children now war taking each others' lives.Our world has become saturated with hopelessness, despair, and greed; and yet, humanity calls out and says how wrong this is, but no one makes the effort to change. Humanity looks around in disgust but shrugs its shoulders, as to say "ehh, what can I really change?".
You see, we have become like a New Years resolution-we admit we should probably change, but we never stick to it. We are fireworks, ignited and destined to explode a change, but only dying out after our first "boom." Time and time again a major disaster strikes in the world and we are so on fire to change, but after a while we forget. We die out.
But this New Year is a chance to make a difference, not like one of those cheesy, useless New Years resolutions, but like a real heart change. 2017 is the year we should overwhelm society with kindness, grace, gentleness, generosity, selflessness, and love. Our world is a desolate and despairing place, but with love, it can be drastically changed. Love is the world changer, and all that accompanies it is benefit.
2017 is also the year for Christians to stand bolder than ever. It is through our actions as the body of Christ others may see the biggest testimony of what God can do. Our world is a broken one, desperately searching for the hope which lives in our hearts through Jesus Christ. To heal the world, we must love its people. If we love its people, we must share this hope- through not only our words but our actions.
Now, this is not a resolution. We are not merely striving to change to resolve the issues throughout the world. We are creating a revolution- a revolution to thrive in change, to recreate our society, to create the world we wish to live in. We are working to drastically impact the world around us. We are destined to be world changers, and we are taking hold of our destiny.