The day we all secretly love to loathe is coming. It’s the day we all go to the gym. Happy new year! It's officially January 1st and everyone’s resolution is going to be to get skinny. We’re all going to go to the gym for maybe a week and then we will remember that we have no idea how to use that equipment, mark it up as useless, and go back to our regularly scheduled Taco Tuesday’s.
That’s why this year I am going to propose we try something new, something different.
Instead of us picking one thing that we are going to only half-heartedly commit to for less than a month. Let’s make a list of the things we want to do in 2018. My best friend and I use to call it our "Summer Bucket List" back in the day when I wore skinnier jeans and could down a pint of ice cream and not gain 50 pounds. The list doesn’t have to be anything hard. It can be rather simple.
SEE ALSO: 59 Things For The Perfect Summer Bucket List For College Students
You can write down that you will make 2 trips to the zoo or for my fellow STL people you can write down going to the city museum. Read 10 books this year. Go to Colorado and climb the Rockies. Go to a concert at Bush Stadium. Go to the Park. Stay up late with your Best Friend and talk about stuff that doesn’t matter.
I could go all day but I won’t. As long as the list is filled with stuff you actually want to do you won't have any problem completing it and it'll make your year filled with adventure too. Stop trying to commit to just one thing for the whole year. Especially if you have commitment issues because we both know you are gonna quit before February 1st.
Cheers to a happier and less stressful 2018!