It's a new year. A year filled with possibilities and adventures. A year filled with challenges and changes. 2018 is going to be one to remember. But, as I close the door on 2017 and file the memories away, I find it only fitting to reflect. For 2017 was marked by change, challenges and new insights. Insights that I believe will follow me as I adventure into the new year.
2017 was a year marked by changes. They caused me to step a little further outside my comfort-zone and experience a little bit of discomfort. But, I am so grateful for the discomfort I encountered, because they allowed me to experience Growth.
1. Leadership
I've always seen myself as a follower and stepping into 2017, this statement was 100% accurate. But, as I ventured throughout the year, I found myself being placed in situations where I was nudged to lead. In 2017, I stepped outside my comfort-zone and I experienced discomfort. Discomfort that lead me to 'Leadership' and now that I've taken on this role, I never want to let it go. You see, in 2017 I learned that although I am timid, I am still extremely capable.
2. Disappointment
I came into 2017 with high expectations. Some I had set for myself and others I had acquired from societies standards. I jumped head first into the year, completely confident that everything I hoped for, everything I dreamed about and everything I wanted would happen. But, that didn't happen. I experienced disappointment this year and for a moment, it left me feeling kind of hopeless. How was I supposed to conquer the rest of 2017 with disappointment at the forefront of my mind? But, then He opened my eyes. Although I experienced disappointment and I didn't get everything I wanted, I found that 2017 also brought a lot of things I hadn't expected. Things that were good and wonderful. I kind of think that was the way it was supposed to be all along. For because of the disappointment I experienced in 2017, I learned that God's got the perfect plan even if we can't always see it and that lesson will be guiding me as I venture into the new year.
3. The Unknown
I feel like every year is filled with unknowns, but for some reason, the 'unknowns' weighed heavier this past year. At times I found myself unable to sleep, unable to find rest, because I kept anticipating the unknown. I kept anticipating the future. But, because I experienced this challenge, I find myself living in the present more. I experienced a year filled with fear of the unknown and although it was difficult, I definitely experienced growth because of it. Growth in myself and most importantly, growth in my Faith.
2017 was a year filled with challenges and adventure, which instigated Growth. Growth that I plan to take with me as I head into 2018.
It was a year for the books and it's with sadness, a little fear and extreme excitement that I turn the first page on 2018. I pray that this is a year marked by growth, adventures, joy and also some challenges.