It is quite common in American society to come up with a bunch of New Years Resolutions as December turns into January. Ever since I could write, at the end of the year I would take out a nice piece of paper and write down a list of tasks I wished to complete in the following calendar year and then I would tape it to the back of my closet and check off the things one by one as I completed them.
As of late I have noticed a trend of people posting these things on the Internet, either through Odyssey articles, Instagram posts, Tweets, Tumblr posts, and even Facebook statuses. While I am about to do the same, I thought I might change it up and instead of note the things I will do in 2017, I will note the bad habits that I have picked up on that I intend not to continue in 2017.
1. I will NOT let stereotypes control my life.
A sorority girl is supposed to look like this? Who cares. Girls are supposed to go to the gym this number of times a week and only ingest this number of carbs a day? Who cares.
2. I will NOT let boys take over my life.
With the huge number of eligible bachelors to date in college, it is easy to spend all of your free time going on dates and texting as many boys as humanly possible. I will remember to always put “chicks over dicks.” Because at the end of the day, you need some bridesmaids at your wedding too.
3. I will NOT always act in my motivated self interest.
When a friend needs me I will be there for them. If that involves walking across campus in sub zero degree weather to comfort a friend who is in a crisis, that is what I will do. I will put others before I put myself.
4. I will NOT attempt to handle things all on my own.
Life is a team sport. I would not have been able to get where I am in life without a tremendous amount of help from the people around me. I will use the resources available to me to help me in my future endeavors, and remember that help is not for the weak, it is for those who are mature and smart enough to know it is how to get the best results.
5. I will NOT think that being perfect is an acceptable goal in life.
We are all human. We were created to be imperfect.
6. I will NOT have regrets.
If all my friends are going out, I will go with them. I will take full advantage of all of the opportunities life has given me. Who cares about sleep.
7. I will NOT do the bare minimum
I will use all of my energy for every task I have to do. If I am capable of doing something, I will do it. I won’t do something just to get it done, I will do it to the best of my abilities.