New year, new me. We've all heard it before. We've all probably said it at least once in our lives. But what if we try something new this year? What if, instead of New Year, new me... we turned it into New Year, new generation. Hear me out on this. What if instead of setting goals for ourselves that we know we might not obtain, we come together as a generation that puts a stop to all of the negativity that we see on the media?
What if we lived in a world where instead of tearing each other down, we built each other up? What if instead of letting gossip grow, we demolish it and spread positivity? I don't know about you, but that's the kind of world that I want to live in.
We have so much power as a generation to spread positivity. We have all of this technology, and yet we use it to tear each other down, to "body shame" each other, to spread gossip. When will we start using it for good? To build each other up, to let those we love know that they are appreciated, to spread the greatness that could lie ahead of us? All of us?
The time for change is now. Now is the time that we should start using our voices for good. We have, at our fingertips, the ability to reach people across the world. We have the gift to make our voices heard, so why are we using them in a way that doesn't benefit anyone? In a way that hurts people? Instead of sitting back and complaining, let's do something.
Let's make this the year that we all come together as a generation to change things.
How do we do this? Well, there's actually a few things we can do. First, don't be so quick to judge. Just because we see something or hear something, it doesn't mean that it's true. Gossip will only leave you "satisfied" for so long before you end up feeling empty or bored or whatever it is that you're feeling again. Being surrounded by people who spread rumors or gossip aren't the kind of people who will bring positivity to your life. Gossip can also bend the truth, so this is where the whole don't be quick to judge thing comes in. You don't always know the whole story, so be kind or don't say anything at all.
Second, we need to learn how to forgive people. This can be hard and it can take time. Every situation is different and some may need more time than others for healing, but the freedom you give yourself when you let go is an incredible feeling. It may also help the other person as well--to know that they have your forgiveness.
Third, start lifting each other up. The real world can be a very scary place, and tit has issues that people are exposed to at young ages. Bullying, depression, anxiety... the list goes on. Instead of focusing on the negative aspects of people, focus on the good. If someone's made progress in their journey of recovery, let them know that they are strong, or that they are wanted and loved, instead of whispering to someone or commenting on someone's post something negative like "they're/you're so skinny it's gross" or "they/you must be 'emo' or something." No no no. Stop that. We're all better than the comments we make, whether it be on social media or in everyday life.
Fourth, if it becomes too much, turn off your phone. Get off of your laptop, close Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, etc... You don't have to put yourself through anything. If people are arguing online, or if they are affecting you directly, you do not have to stay on that social media platform. You are in control of yourself, and not one mean thing from anyone's mouth could take that away from you.
Finally, have faith in yourself. I think that part of the problem with the world is that we're all so concerned with what's wrong with us that we can't see what we all have going for us. If you aren't good with numbers or science, embrace the things that you are good at. Show your talents and stop being so afraid. We're all given certain talents for a reason, even if we don't know the reason.
So... New year, new generation. I don't know about you, but I like the sound of that.