New year, new me? No. New year, same me. New year, new choices. As we transition into the new year and say goodbye to the rollercoaster ride that was 2016, I have had some time to reflect on the direction in which I want my 2017 to go. Although I am not one for making New Year’s resolutions, I do see the value in setting small, attainable goals, going forward into the new year. Here are a few of the things that I plan to do in 2017:
Eat Smart: I know what you’re thinking, everyone’s New Year’s resolution is to eat healthy, exercise more, or lose weight. While these are all admirable goals, many times they way that people go about obtaining them, is not realistic. Rather than putting the pressure on yourself to only eat salad, go to the gym everyday, or lose 50 lbs., set goals that you can easily achieve to make your body more healthy. For example, drink more water, make better meal choices, or find a friend to go to the gym with when you are both free. This way, you won't give up the first time you don’t make it to the gym or decide to sneak a candy bar. I plan to make smarter choices surrounding my eating and exercise habits in 2017.
Stress Less: I am a self-proclaimed worry wort. I worry about worrying, but I would like to make a conscious effort to reduce the amount of hours that I spend, worrying about things that are out of my control or that I cannot change. This will perhaps be the most difficult determination for me to achieve, but also the most important. I realize how unhealthy it is to be in a constant state of unrest and how my time could be better spent, focused on more important matters. By reducing my stress levels, I hope it will translate to improving my overall happiness and positivity in 2017.
Love More: With the events that unfolded in 2016, now more than ever is the time when we need to exude love and acceptance at all times. Heading into the new year, we are about to inaugurate a president who thrives off of hatred, but if we all agree to love Trump’s hate, we can get through these turbulent times to come, together. As we head into 2017, I implore everyone to make the best of a bad situation and spread the word that it’s cool to be kind.
My advice to anyone who is thinking of setting goals for 2017, is to make them realistic. Don’t pressure yourself to the point of breaking, but rather set expectations that you know you will be able to achieve. These little exertions of extra effort will help you reach your overall goal, easier than if you quickly get discouraged by failures from the start. Although it is a new year, it is not a new you. Rather, it is a changed you; a you who is taking little steps to become a better human. You can do it! Happy New Year, Everyone!