New Year, New You? | The Odyssey Online
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New Year, New You?

We don't need a new year to change, but we can set goals throughout the year in order to be our best selves.

New Year, New You?
Realty Roundup

It is that time of year again. The time where everyone comes up with a list of ten to twelve resolutions that they would like to keep in the New Year. They may sound good, inspiring, and achievable in the beginning, but they can become overwhelming and even forgotten about by the time June rolls around.

There is too much emphasis placed on New Years Resolutions. There is pressure from others to make them, and pressure from within to keep them; starting on January 1st. That's the problem. Just twelve hours ago, we were the person that we said would change in the New Year. It is virtually impossible to do a complete 180 degree turn around just because it is the start of a New Year.

In order to change, someone has to want to change badly enough. A new hour, month, or year cannot make someone into a brand new person, and it is the time limit that stresses most people out. How many times on social media have we seen "It's one hour into the New Year, and I've already broken my resolution." There is so much pressure to start exactly on the first day of the year, but so what if you don't? Just because a day went by in the new year does not mean that you have to wait another 364 just to go through the same process all over again.

The term 'resolution' may also hinder people's abilities to keep them. A resolution is a firm choice to do or not do something. The proper way to go about this is by setting a goal. A goal sounds more productive, and seems more manageable, as there are short and long term goals. They can be tracked more easily, therefore they are easier to complete and uphold. When someone knows that they are setting a goal, they are more likely to choose something that is more simple; something that they know they can reach. When declaring a resolution, we tend to pick the biggest and the best, but not necessarily the most attainable.

Here are some simple, less commonly thought of goals that we can all do to ring in the new year, along with brief explanations for why they may be beneficial to you:

Give the present of presence

Often times, when we are out to lunch with a friend, or hanging out at their house, we are rarely 100% invested in that person. Most people talk to each other while they are posting on social media or texting other people. Although that is a new trend for millennials, some people may be very offended that you are not completely invested in what they have to say. The next time you are spending time with someone, be sure to give them your full and undivided attention.

Go to bed on time

A regular sleep schedule can make a huge difference in your day, week, and month. It can be easy to get sidetracked and go to bed at a different time each day, but that is not healthy for our bodies. Everyone needs about eight hours of sleep, therefore we should be aiming to go to bed at a time that will guarantee that we get those full eight hours.

Read a book before falling asleep rather than scrolling through social media

Studies show that the light from the screens of our electronic devices can keep us up longer because it simulates sunlight; making our brains think that we should be staying awake. By reading a book, we are taking in information that is not on a screen, and can enhance our imaginations. Grab a good book and keep it by your bedside table so that you are more tempted to reach for it rather than your smartphone.

Get rid of the toxic people in our lives

Letting go of people can be one of the hardest things to do in life, but it can also be one of the healthiest. Not everyone that is in your life is meant to stay, and it is important to determine which relationships are worth keeping. Letting someone go does not mean that you do not like them anymore, or wish for bad things to happen to them, it just means that you are entering a new season in your life. In order to make that season successful, only the most positive and uplifting people should be there.

Throw kindness around like confetti; try to compliment one person each day

Compliments feel good to receive, but they can also be amazing to give. There is nothing better than seeing the smile come across someone's face when you compliment their outfit, dedication and hard work, or just express gratitude for their presence in your life. There is no such thing as a bad compliment, so just start giving them out left and right!

Make a new friend

There are so many people in the world, however, we tend to stick to our same friend groups. There is nothing wrong with having a core group of friends, but it can be nice to invite someone new into the circle! You never know who you will meet if you only stay with the people that you are comfortable with. You may even find that you have a lot in common with this person.

Do something to help someone else when you get the chance; pay it forward

The phrase "I owe you one" is very common, but we should try to pay forward the kind acts that we receive. Kindness is a chain reaction, and if it only stays between two people, then the rest of the world will never get to benefit from your amazing and kindhearted soul.

Clean your room once a week; do a thorough cleanse once a month and get rid of anything that you haven't use or will find a use for in the weeks to come

If you haven't used it yet, there's a high probability that it will stay at the bottom of your closet during all of 2017. There are many people in need who would greatly benefit from the old clothes, shoes, or anything else that you have not used in a while. Donate your things to a local Good Will or consinement store.

Catch up with an old friend

Try something new; a food, sport, hobby, anything

Stop comparing ourselves to others; don't make another person your "goal", make your own goal for yourself

Don't get caught up in the numbers; social media is not about followers, it's just about sharing your passions and interests with others

Spend more time unplugged; less electronics

Read one book a month

Treat yourself; take a break every now and then, you deserve it

These are just a few of the many goals that we can set for ourselves that can easily be tracked. They are less daunting, and are things that can easily be done in our every day lives without having to make a total change right on the spot. Besides, a new year does not mean a brand new you. A new year should just mean that you are trying to become the best possible version of yourself. When you aspire to be a different person, you are taking a very vital piece away from the world, yourself! By being the best version of yourself, you are only enriching your life and the lives of those around you. So, Happy New Year! Start setting those goals.

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