New Year's is here, and what better time to kick some old habits and start some new ones! 80% of people give up on their New Year’s resolutions by the second week of February. This occurs for a variety of reasons, from lack of motivation or lack of support, and just plain lack of effort. Here are a few tips to keep you on track so you can crush your New Year's goals and become the best "You" that you can be
Keep your goals realistic.
Setting too large of goals can be overwhelming and a recipe for disaster. Keeping goals attainable is key. Using the S.M.A.R.T method of goal setting is a great way to set realistic, attainable goals.
One month, one goal.
A trend I noticed this year was "one month, one goal." This is a great alternative to setting a list of goals and trying to tackle them all at once. By setting one goal per month, your only having to focus on one behavior/lifestyle change, making the end result more attainable and you're less likely to be overwhelmed.
Find what motivates you.
This is something that varies person to person. Some people are motivated by their family, some by what they see (or want to see in the mirror) - personally, I am motivated by words. Motivational blogs, podcast, and quotes are my cup of tea. Find what fits you, and utilize it. You are your biggest cheerleader.
Do it together.
Having a friend to help hold you accountable is one of the best ways to achieve your goals! Whether it's your boyfriend/girlfriend, best friend, roommate - who cares! Find someone who wants to see you succeed and will push you.
Remember that everyone has bad days….or weeks.
Just because you fell off the wagon in regards to keeping your goals, doesn’t mean the fight is over! Everyone has bad days - or really good days - of binge watching Netflix while shoveling in the carbs. Get up, dust yourself off, and get back at it.
Rome wasn't built in a day.
Don't get discouraged because you're not seeing results right away. Changes take time. It takes 21 days to create/break a habit and 4 weeks for you to see a change in your body - don't give up!
Here’s to a year of better habits, positive thinking, and most of all - loving yourself!
Happy New Year!