Although we are a month into the new year, it is never too late to start again. Tomorrow is a new day. Although you may or may not have already thrown your New Year's resolution to the wind, there are 337 days left, and it's time we made that time count. If you're anything like me, you've already neglected your resolution, but there are other ways to improve your life than just keeping one resolution. Resolutions can be tricky to maintain, so I compiled a list of "bite size" resolutions—more doable resolutions because it's the little victories that keep us going.
1. Do one thing a week that scares you.
Our comfort zone is great place, but it's no place for us to live. There is too much out there to be experienced. Talk to the cute boy. Wear that bold lipstick. Apply for that job. Put yourself out there, and experience everything you've wanted too. Now is as good a time as any. Let's make 2016 the year of fearlessness.
2. Replace one snack a week with an apple.
Instead of reaching for the potato chips, switch it out for an apple. Just once a week. A small doable change, but will change your life in big ways. Healthy decisions lead to more healthy decisions. Make 2016 the year of health.
3. Replace one episode a week with a workout.
Pause that Netflix marathon of "Parks and Recreation" and do some jumping jacks. Attend a zumba class. Take the dog on the walk. Leslie Knope will still be there when you come back. Have 2016 be the year of fitness.
4. Turn your phone off for 20 minutes a day.
In today's world, our technology is attached to our hip. The group messages, emails, Snapchats, status updates- it can all be overwhelming. 20 minutes a day, just turn it off. Focus on yourself. Have some "you" time. I promise the cat GIFs will be patiently awaiting your return, but it's mentally exhausting being connected to social media all day every day. Social media creates a certain unrealistic expectation of life, and it's easy to get swept up in it's whirlwind. Take a break. Allow 2016 to be more realistic than 2015.
5. Read a book every month.
Reading is like TV in your mind. You're the director of the movie. There's so many books just waiting to be found by you. If you do not know where you start, visit a library. Ask one of the lovely librarians for a recommendation. Read recommendations online. If you want to get into the routine of reading every day, try reading before bed. Reading is relaxing and mellows your brain out from your long day. Let 2016 be the year you finally read that book you always said you would get around to reading, but have yet to do so.
6. Adventure is waiting.
Wherever you are, there is somewhere waiting to be discovered, explored or visited. Take a drive and stop whenever something looks interesting. Maybe at a park or a locally owned diner. Go places, see things, make memories. This is your time to make 2016 count, make it an adventure.
7. Look in the mirror once a day and say something nice about yourself.
As mentioned before, social media can create an unrealistic expectation for life. This can slowly take a toll on our confidence because the average person looks nothing like the average Instagram model. And that's fine. But what isn't fine is loving ourselves less because of it. At the end of the day, you are who you are and that's the way it's supposed to be. Be kind to yourself. Make 2016 the year of self-love and acceptance.
8. Realize that the only person that's standing between where you are and where you want to be is you.
You are your own strength, and also your biggest weakness. This year, don't let yourself talk yourself out of doing the things you want to do. Take a chance. Pour your heart into everything you do. Experience life in all it's sweet grandeur. Don't be afraid, time is ticking. Make 2016 the year of you.