Three weeks into the new year, and I'm sure most resolutions have gone out the window. As the gym gets emptier and the excitement wears off, I wonder why we put so much into the idea of a new year if it always reverts back to how it was before you made all those promises to yourself? Most people who make resolutions do not follow through, because it is almost an empty promise for change. Here's my thought: if you want to change your life, don't wait for a new year to do it.
When people are serious about making a change, it does not have to come at the same time as the rest of the world. People change their lives every day by making the conscious decision to become a better version of themselves. I've noticed that whenever the new year comes around, the expectations to change something in our lives outweighs the actual execution of our plans.
"Resolutioners" go to the gym every day for a couple of weeks, and then slowly, they stop going. They make excuses, because they start to get busy and no longer have the time to make the change they were so excited to accomplish. Sadly, this means that every January, we keep lying to ourselves and promise to make a change, only to fall back on that promise again and again.
Now yes, there are those special people who decide to start their new, changed life after the new year and they do it. They fulfill the goals they set for themselves and become better because of it. These are the people who set their minds to make a change not just for the sake of the new year, but for the purpose of actual change. I'm not saying that making a resolution list is bad, I'm saying that the actual achievement of those goals is hard but worthwhile.
If you were waiting for the month of January to start making changes in your life, you didn't have to do that. Those who really want change can start at any time and can accomplish whatever they want to accomplish with the right mentality. Don't focus on making a list of resolutions just because everyone else is doing it. Focus on small things (or big) that you can really change and that you genuinely want to change.
Another thing; don't be intimidated by a new year. If you don't have any resolutions in mind, that's just fine. You aren't expected to radically change your life every year. You are probably changing little by little every couple of months without even noticing. That's what happens when you just live your life rather than focusing so much on the negative parts of yourself that you want to change so badly.
A new year is a great time for starting over with a clean slate. Just don't forget that you can start over at any time throughout the year. There are 366 days in 2016. Whether it's day one or day 238, making a change doesn't depend on the time of year. It depends on your own motivation and strength.