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Just Because It’s The New Year Doesn’t Mean You Automatically Get A Do-Over

You're allowed to start over fresh, but you can't ignore mistakes that you've made this past year.

Just Because It’s The New Year Doesn’t Mean You Automatically Get A Do-Over
Shamin Jamadar

At the end and beginning of each year, we all look back at the year passed. We look at the changes in our friendships, our families, our colleagues, and ourselves. We look back at our mistakes and success, as well as our highs and lows. We'll smile or frown; we'll laugh or cry.

2019 starts us all out on a new year. My hope for us all is that this year is full of learning, falling, new perspectives, laughter, joy, and much more growth.

A new year gives us the push to embark a new journey for health, well-being, spontaneity, and just about anything you wish to change in your present life. However, while we are making these changes and allowing the new year to let us regroup and revamp who we want to be, let's not falsely presume that a new year means hitting delete to all our past mistakes.

In this new year, you're allowed to start over fresh, but you aren't allowed to ignore any mistakes that you may have made.

In a year, we all change immensely, and in this process, it is likely that- somewhere down the line of our growth- we've hurt someone. And just because a new year gives us the ability and reason, if that is what you're looking for, to change or let bygones be bygones, it doesn't erase a time where you may have been hurtful, been significantly rude or mean, or just not have been the best version of yourself to someone.

Unless you apologize and approach the person, you don't get an automatic do-over. You don't get to pretend like it didn't happen.

Everyone wants to let bygones go. Everyone wants to start the new year off positive and cut out any toxicity. But it is incredibly unfair to pretend like you didn't make a mistake just in the name of a new year. It's not fair of you to put someone in a position where they have to shove their hurt and misgivings under the rug for the sake of a new and positive new year. New year, new you, but the you three weeks ago is still you. You are still accountable.

However, a new year does make it easier for everyone to let things go. No one wants to hold onto past grudges. This means that it is the perfect time for you to reach out, explain your actions, or even just apologize.

By apologizing, not only are you proving that 2019 is your year of growth and a year for a better you, but you are allowing the other individual to let go of any hurt or grievance against you. So, it really is a win-win situation.

So go. Allow this year to be a "do-over" year, BUT after you've rectified old mistakes and taken care of loose ends that may prevent you from being the best version of yourself. Even if it is for a pang of small guilt that you may have, clear your conscious of it.

Give yourself every inch of freedom to achieve the redo you want and make this year a year truly full of growth.

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