As 2016 has finally come to a close, everyone is excited for the start of a new year. With a new year comes new beginnings, new opportunities, and of course, New Years’ Resolutions. I’m sure you’ve all seen on social media, or even posted your own. New Years’ Resolutions that everyone promises themselves every year. “This year, I’m going to make more money…to lose weight…to travel more…blah blah blah.” I’m not downing resolutions or anyone who makes them—I think it’s great to have some type of plan to work toward. But let’s be real, no one ever really goes through with their New Years’ Resolutions after the first week or two. So why do we make such a big deal about it?
My biggest issue with it, is why wait? Why do we wait a whole year to start something new? Why do we always say, “Oh, well next year I’ll do such and such.” Why are we always waiting on a moment that we’re never 100% sure is going to come? Your next hour isn’t a guarantee, let alone your next year.
Yes, it’s a new year, and yes, you can say that it is new beginnings, but I’m done waiting. I’m done waiting on a certain day to better myself and make a better life for myself. From here on out, it’s time to start living in the moment and if I want something to change, I’m going to change it right then and there. If 2016 taught me anything, it taught me that anyone can be taken from us in an instant and if that person ever becomes me, I don’t want my last moments to be reminded of all of the things that I planned on doing, but never had the chance.
I’ll be the first to say it: New year, same me. If something needs to change, it will change. But I’m not going to sit back and wait any longer.