As another year approaches it is time for a new New Years resolution. Now, if you are like me it's always something that seems like its reparative and generally is never really accomplished. This year like many others we will strive to stick to our goals and new resolutions. If you were to write it down on paper what would your resolution be? It's important to remember that resolutions are really just a form of encouragement and dedication. Allow yourself the opportunity to fully explore your options and maximize your potential. Whether its going to the gym everyday, spending more time with family, doing more things for you or even taking a new risk.. Whatever it is make it count. It's a new year with new rules and of course a clean slate. Exceed your own expectations and WOW yourself. Make 2017 the best one yet!
Now you may be thinking that all sounds great but how do I really do this? Well for me its a combination of three little things. New Years resolutions are supposed to be things that you strive to work towards and often times I find myself trying to change my way of life. The more you think about it, the more it becomes real that you are trying to change who you really are. Altering how you feel, look or live on a day to day basis. Deep down I think why would I want to change myself to my core? I like who I am, I love my family, I enjoy my job, yes I'd love loose ten pounds and I wish I had a million dollars to travel the world but is that really something that would change me for the better? If it is then go for it but remember each year that comes and goes is full of memories, adventures , people and life. So instead of looking at 2017 with new goals to be skinny, meet a new love or alter your appearance remember to embrace the moment you have and look to 2017 as a new year to be a better version yourself. Here are my three tips to make your new year a great one!
1. Smile, laugh and engage with others.
2. Surround yourself with positive opportunities and don't be afraid to take new risks.
3. Kick a bad habit to better your life.
The key to better year is to learn from your mistakes, grow from them and decide whether the next year is going to be GREAT or EVEN BETTER!
The best way to succeed is to surround yourself with postiivity!
Here's to a NEW YEAR!... You can totally do this!