Most of us, if not all of us, have fallen into the habit of saying “New year, new me,” every time the ball drops in New York on New Year's Eve. We tell ourselves we are going to completely change in this new year. We make plans and lists of resolutions. And yes, every once in awhile we may accomplish one of these goals, but most of the time our goals are unrealistic, which gives us the tendency to give up and say we will try again the following year. It’s a vicious cycle I myself have also fallen into before.
We look back on the old year, trying to recall all we accomplished. Some of us can list many accomplishments, most of us cannot. It is nice to reminisce on all that happened within the year, but what did we accomplish? We obviously must have had some goals at the beginning of the year but many of us can’t recall them, or do, and just know they were never accomplished.
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So as 2016 comes, I think it would be in our best interest to change our mindset. Instead of “new me,” we should change it to “a better me.” Why do we want a “new me” in the first place? We should be focusing on bettering ourselves rather than trying to change ourselves completely. We are all unique individuals. God created us to be our own, and not like anyone else. So don’t change that. Be yourself, but better yourself.
Make a list of realistic resolutions. Hang this list up on your bathroom wall, your closet, in your planner, anywhere you know you will see it every day. The key to this sentence is the word “realistic.” Make goals that challenge yourself, but are also possible. This way you are determined and it will feel even better once you accomplish it. Stay motivated and humble.
For example, if a goal of yours is to lose weight, go for it! Make this the year you finally accomplish it. But don’t make your goal impossible. Make it something that challenges you, but something you can also accomplish if you work hard within the year. Get a gym membership that automatically charges you once a month. This way you have a constant reminder to go. Choose a gym close by so that you have no excuse. Make it reasonable and realistic.
We should also make not just physical goals for ourselves but mental goals as well. Make a list of ways you can better your character and overall self. Try to be more giving, more understanding, etc. These goals are something we forever must work on, but ringing in the new year is a great reminder to mature and grow as a person.
So live by the motto, “A new year, a better me.” Don’t say “new me,” or as some people joke, “same me.” We should continuously try to better ourselves, and what a great reminder New Year's is for us to do so. Set goals, never settle. Better yourself in the year 2016.