As 2017 comes to a close I find myself reflecting on everything that has gone on throughout this year. While there were many happy times, there were plenty of sad ones as well. I remember at the end of 2016 feeling the same way, hoping, wishing, wanting 2017 to be better. This seems to be a continuous trend as I grow older.
It seems like no matter how much I wish or plead with the world to make the following year better than the last, it never happens. There is still death, hatred, violence but there is also still love, happiness and joy.
What I want from 2018 is this: to accept the bad things, no matter how hard we all try, will inevitably happen. We can’t stop every negative thing from happening in our lives or throughout our world but, we can control the way we react to these things and continue to work towards bettering ourselves and the world. I’m not saying give up on humanity or accept all of the horrible things that sadly still go on in society, but rather, understand that it will take time for these things to change. And it’s okay if we as an individual don’t change the world, as long as we are continuing to be good people and try our best.
What I want from 2018 is people striving for greatness. I no longer want to see people accepting their failures and choosing not to better themselves. Everyone can do better no matter how close to the top you think you are. You and everyone can do better, so do it. Put in that extra shift at work, spend that extra hour studying, clean that room an hour earlier, wake up that hour earlier, go to that gym before it closes. Keep pushing yourself. Just because 2017 wasn’t the year of “the push” doesn’t mean 2018 can’t be.
What I want from 2018 is positivity. Not just positivity in our own lives, positivity in others. The old saying “misery loves company” should be thrown out because our society doesn’t need that. Don’t bring negativity into a room but rather, shine bright. Smile more. Laugh more. Go out with friends and family more. Girls, if your friend looks good in that skirt, tell her! Boys, if your friend looks like his time at the gym is paying off, tell him! And vice versa. Boost people up rather than bringing people down or being jealous of what they have. We all need to remember that everyone deserves a compliment once in a while. Look on the brighter side of life because, trust me, you’ll be happier over there.
What I want from 2018 is equality and open-mindedness. I feel like 2017 was the year of division. People were so keen on sticking to their beliefs and always trying to prove they were right to others. This year, do more listening instead of talking. Open your mind and heart to others and hear what they have to say. Even if that person has a completely different outlook than you, listen and learn. We are ALL different people with different beliefs and backgrounds. We can ALL learn from each other in one way or another. Take the stick out of your butt once in a while and try and put yourself in their shoes. My dad always told me, “you learn more by listening than talking.”
What I want from 2018 is safety. There was a lot of devastation in 2017 and places where people should have felt safe, became places where people feared to go. I want to be able to walk down the street, attend a concert or fly on a plane and not be scared. I want to be able to wear what I want without fearing for my safety and well-being. We need to realize that the safety of ourselves also regards the safety of others around us. We need to protect one another and stand by one another, rather than tearing each other apart. I want to be able to walk down the street and say hello to each person that walks by without them giving me a questioning look or fearing that I won’t make it to my destination.
What I want from 2018 is love, baby and LOTS OF IT. I want people to love people, no matter who they are, what they look like, how they act, what they wear. You never know what someone is going through or how there day is going so before you say they comment, before you give that face, take a second, breathe and think. Smile instead. Laugh instead. Love instead. Everyone needs to have a little more love in their heart because at the end of the day, we are all people. There’s a verse in Logic’s song “Everybody” and it goes: “Everybody people, everybody bleed, everybody need something. Everybody love, everybody know, how it go.”
Although I want all of this, I know it won’t always be occurring in our world, and that’s okay. As long as we stand together and strive for greatness, we will come out on top in the end.
Please 2018, be good. Be happy. Be kind.