Hello there, I'm sorry to mislead you with this article title. No, this is not an article about how I'm going to completely redo my life and "get rid of the useless bitches" from my social media accounts. This may just be a useful article in your life.
I would like to start by asking a very simple question: What does the new year mean to you? New you? New goals? New boyfriend or girlfriend? Well, whatever it means to you, it most likely won't happen. Just because New Year's is around the corner, does not mean you have to instantly gain all these goals and make sure everyone that has ever met you knows about your incredible goals in this new year. I'm so terribly sorry to break it to you, but new year, same you.
Now I'm not saying that people have not made new goals for themselves and stuck with it. Many people have, I am actually one of those people. The difference behind those goals though, is that they have been realistic. Nothing fancy, nothing extraordinary, nothing over the top. If you want to do something like that it shouldn't be a new year goal, but a goal set, because that goal is what motivated you to want it. Your new year goal should be something like my first new year goal—add two hours a week for study time or homework. It's simple and realistic. I actually did this goal for myself and it was the most helpful. I barely changed my life, all I had to do was insert two hours to my week on top of my normal study time, anywhere that they fit in my schedule. In doing this, I raised my grades more than you would think.
I am even guilty of going and setting a new year goal sometimes and if that's what you want to do, so be it. When looking into what you want to set for a goal, just make sure it is within reason. I know you won't be that upset about not achieving it later in life, but you should be. Goals are meant to be achieved, and if you set one and do not achieve it, then what does that say about you as a person?
Goals are a wonderful thing, but don't let some "tradition" dictate what you do with your life. Let's face it, you can change you entire self, but there are many good qualities about yourself that you may not realize. Change is not always a good thing and in some cases it can do the reverse of what you were wanting the new goal to do. So, before you go changing your entire life just think, what needs changing and what should stay the same. Love yourself and don't let society make you believe change is necessary at the start of every year.