14 New Words for Your Vocabulary | The Odyssey Online
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14 New Words for Your Vocabulary

Lose the acronyms and start using these beautiful words!

14 New Words for Your Vocabulary
Feedy Weedy

In a world filled with “turnt” and “swag,” it is always a bit refreshing when a new word enters my vocabulary. I stumbled upon these words while feeding my Pinterest addiction. Some are funny and some are serious. Some require a bit of explanation, while others simply require reflection. Enjoy!

1. Everyone needs one of these:

2. Quick! Turn around! Other way! Abort! Abort!

3. Probably 90 percent of us have felt this ... now we can voice it.

4. The smell of rain + this = happiness.

5. Holy goosebumps and the sound of perfect harmony:

6. Fake smiles are the saddest smiles.

7. *Face Palm* That would have been great four hours ago.

8. Ah, young love.

9. There is nothing better in the world than this:

10. There is nothing better than the sun on your back.

11. I absolutely love this ... ties into my first article!

12. Nothing better than a sunrise and a new day.

13. We are forever searching:

14. Otherwise known as the writers of the Odyssey!

Thanks so much for all of the support! Stay tuned for another round of new vocabulary! Keep sharing!
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