In an ever-changing world of markets and technology, it can sometimes be terrifying to put yourself back out there in search for a career. You may think you are too old, you may think that the world has changed far too much, you may even just be scared. There are lots of reasons to be afraid I suppose, but there are far more reasons to be excited. You are about to embark on an entirely new adventure that can only add value and experience to your life. You are worth every risk involved, and if you don’t believe that yet, try these things.
1. Reevaluate your resume
When you go over your resume, you are remembering everything you have experience doing. Don’t try to compare yourself to others in the industry. Your skills cannot be replaced. Your experiences will add value to any company you encounter. Think of yourself as a brand, what does your attitude say when you leave your home? What do you want others to know about you? When you look over and make improvements to your resume’ you are sure to leave the process feeling very good about yourself. If you developed a skill that is now mostly done by computers, consider yourself a rare gem. Technology is amazing, but you can do what technology does from scratch. Machines break down all of the time so know that you add irreplaceable value.
2. Ask yourself “ What do I really want to do?”
If you do not have the skills to do what you want to do, then make a timeline. Within that time educate yourself in whatever manner is required. This way, you will have a goal and something to work towards. Paycheck to paycheck will turn into a career that doesn’t feel like you are at work at all.
If you are already educated in that field, know that the door marked with the word “Fear” is a very thin one. Take the leap! Market yourself in that field and commit yourself to learning and growing along the way. Look around you, are in you in the area for that industry? Maybe you need to work a while and save up to move. Whichever you choose to do, the key to motivation in the work force is to actually WANT TO WORK. If your desired goal does not motivate you, nothing will.
3. Remember your value.
Negotiating a salary is one of the hardest things in the world anyone can do. Reason being you are essentially saying that your time can be purchased. The truth is that your time and value does not have a monetary value on it. Your heartbeats cannot be reimbursed. It is important to choose a life that puts as much into you as you do into it. An interview is only an interview, it is not a desperation to give the precious time you have away. Learn to be free in your choices and maneuver through the world as if something good is always coming toward you. You may be looking for position, but you will eventually find yourself.