With summer rolling around once again and the hot breeze of opportunity setting in, its time to start thinking about what you're going to do with your newly found free time. For the first time in a long time, you're free of the academic stress of school work. Summer is a time of opportunity. We often wait until New Years Eve to make resolutions to change ourselves, but I would argue that summer is a better time to do so. New Years falls smack dab in the middle of the busy season but summer break is exactly that, a break. Therefore, I advise you to be mindful of how you can use this free time and possibly to try new things in hopes to expand yourself. Here are just a few ways you can hope to do so.
Try something new.
Whether this is something as simple as trying a new food or something as crazy as going skydiving, trying something new helps you to grow. New experiences build us as people even if you're just trying calamari for the first time, try to step out of your comfort zone.
Travel somewhere
“We travel, some of us forever, to seek other places, other lives, other souls.” – Anais Nin. Traveling is one of the most treasurable aspects of human life. Seeing other places is both exciting and breathtaking. Traveling shapes us into more knowledgable people. Even if you don't go far, try to see somewhere new and I promise it'll be much better than just looking it up online.
This one goes hand and hand with traveling, but it's just as important. Summer is about the sunshine and the waves. Try to hit the beach at least once and take in summer in all of its blistering glory. The beach is a place of quiet beauty and summer memories, take advantage of that.
Try yoga
Yoga has been growing popularity quickly in pop culture the last few years. Its a way to slow down and connect with your life at the most spiritual levels. I think everyone should try yoga at least once because it feels good to be able to center yourself with your life. It may not be everybody's cup of tea but it's worth the experience. You might be surprised at what you're body is capable of doing.
Cook for yourself
Whether this is something you always do or have never done, it's fun to cook for yourself every once and awhile. Try a recipe you've never done before or stick with something simple like mac and cheese. Either way, take pride in your capability to not only create, but to provide for yourself. It's the little things in life that go the farthest.
Practice acts of kindness
Often we find our own happiness when we're assisting the happiness of others. Do one kind thing this summer. It doesn't have to be something over the top, it can be something as simple as smiling at a stranger or tipping extra for your morning coffee. It's really fulfilling to know that you did something during the day that helped make the world a better place to live in.
Start trying to find something to be happy about in everydayChallenge yourself to find something good in everyday. Smile more often and laugh more easily. Try counting your blessings before bed each night, whether your religious or not, and you'll begin to appreciate life a little bit more. The spirit of resolutions to grasp life a little bit more firmly than the year before. Do this through your actions and having an intentional mindset for happiness. Take chances and remind yourself that whatever happens, happens and there's no use stressing over the simple things. Live with intentionality and fall in love everyday with the life you lead.