As many of us head back to college approaching our new semester, you may be wondering what you can do to make this time around increasingly better than the last. Maybe last year/semester didn’t turn out the way you wished, and you found yourself pondering the question of how you could be a new and improved version of you. Here are a few helpful hints to get the perfect kick-start to spring semester ’17.
1. First and Foremost, Housekeeping.
It’s time to do some housekeeping! There’s nothing better than realizing who and what is important in your life and who is not. Last semester, you may have stumbled upon a few folks who brought you down, or even stomped on your spirit. It’s time to clean out those individuals and make room for the good in your life. The best of people come along when you least expect it. There is absolutely no reason keep negative things or people around—they’re only going to continue to dishearten you! Embrace those around you and allow them to brighten your life. Because this is your time, and it’s your job to make it the best!
2. Make Like A Tree and Branch Out.
Don’t hide in your room all the time! College is about meeting new people and trying new things! This doesn’t necessarily mean you have to go out and party—there are plenty of other ways to meet new faces on a college campus. For instance, try a new club, you never know what new interest may spark! Don’t be afraid to go out some place new with friends, you never know who they may introduce you to. It’s a small world out there!
3. Treat Yourself Right.
Nothing feels worse than when you don’t get enough sleep and rest. Be sure to treat your body right by eating healthy, exercising, and most of all, doing you. Always remember that, in order to be the best you can be, you have to take some time and focus on yourself. Your initial personal happiness is key to enjoying and succeeding at life. Let’s put it this way—if you’re not happy, those around you won’t be! So cut yourself some slack and prioritize what makes you content.
4 . Most of all, Be You!
It is not your job to constantly worry about impressing those who you want to be friends with—the true friends will come, and they will love you for you, not the person you are trying to be. Once you truly let go of the negative, and embrace who you are, you will finally realize those who are just like you will wind up by your side. Eventually, you’ll look back and realize how lucky you were that you let go and made time to let those certain people into your life. Sometimes you just have to let go and let the good in.