As the craziness of the holidays gets left behind in the previous year, a new school semester starts. Similar to how we create resolutions for the New Year, we tend to create new resolutions and set new goals to get us through yet another semester filled with high levels of stress and sleepless nights. We try to remember what we did wrong in the previous semester to try to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the new one.
Being more prepared for class.
Preparing yourself for class can and will help you when it comes to assignments and studying for the test. Being able to discuss with your professor about the subject makes the class go by faster. Not only will you know what the professor is talking about but if your professors are one to call on random students, if they pick on you, you'll be able to answer the question.
Stop procrastinating.
Procrastinating is one of the worst things one can do, especially if they are dealing with hard test and detailed assignments. One of the most important things one needs to be able to fully finish an assignment or finish studying for a test is time, and if you procrastinate time is something that is very limited. It is best to start days, maybe even weeks, before something is due and just do a little each day to be able to turn in your best work.
Creating a study schedule.
Creating a study schedule can really help you when you're dealing with four to five classes. By creating a schedule, one is able to organize their time by knowing what subjects they need to spend more time on.
Keep an agenda.
Keeping an agenda or a planner can help with the procrastination and the study schedule. Seeing all the assignments one needs to get done in one place will help with organization and you will be able to keep track of what is due, so you won't miss an assignment.
Attend class.
Although this one may be a bit obvious, a lot of people don't do it. Attending class can have a significant effect on whether one does good or not in class. By attending class one doesn't have to teach themselves the material. If you have any questions you can ask your professor right then and there. There are times when professors may say something important that only those who attended class are aware of. Other professors give some extra credit points to those who don't have absences. So even though, you much rather stay at home, attending class can benefit you in many ways.
Better time management.
Time is something that we don't have a lot of and we shouldn't waste. Learning how to manage ones times can greatly affect your success. Having enough time to finish an assignment and going back over to fix any mistakes you could have made can increase your chances of getting a higher grade. Time is something that needs to be appreciated and take advantage of. It is when we don't have it that stress and anxiety levels begin to increase.
Find a new study method.
Everyone has their own way of studying. If you saw that previous study methods didn't result in the way that you expected them to, then its best to try a new way. Some people have no problem studying with friends or with music but others may need to be alone in a quiet room. Don't be afraid to try a different way of studying until you find the one that is best for you.
Just like our New Year's resolutions, our new semester resolutions can be forgotten just as fast as we set them. It is up to one to want to change and really stick to their new goals. If you work hard for what you want and you set your mind to it then you can accomplish anything and everything.