My first semester of college was a time where I discovered many weaknesses within myself. I realized that I never knew how to study, I didn't know how to say no to friends to prioritize my school work, and the wonderful student that I had once been in high school was lost and needed to be found.
My first semester of college didn't consist of a bunch of nights out on the town or in frat houses. However, it did include many naps, time spent on my phone (like a very unhealthy amount), playing cards with my friends, and watching a bunchhhh of Netflix. I realized at the end of the semester that I did not put in near enough effort as I should have. Over winter break I have done a lot of preparing and hope to make this new semester the best one yet.
Keep a detailed planner and actually use it
I bought a planner each year for high school and fall semester of college. I had one and I wrote in it, but I didn't use it to its full potential. To be successful, keep the planner. Write due dates down when you get a syllabus and as soon as you make doctor appointments. Make it a point to check your planner every morning, and keep it up to date with every assignment and meeting. Keeping a planner up to date is always the hardest for me. I plan to take time to sit down every day and update and cross off past assignments to help keep myself more organized.
Start and keep a morning and night routine
Having a morning and night routine helps with slowing your body down at the end of the day and rejuvenating at the beginning of the next. This will make sure you wake up and go to bed around the same time each day giving you more energy throughout the day to get things done.
Make time for school and friends
My parents have always told me to treat school work like a job. Work on it from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. then have the rest of the day to enjoy with friends, or in my case take a nap and catch up on The O.C. I have never fully incorporated this plan, but this semester I plan to. Knowing that I only have to work on school work from 8-5 will give me the satisfaction of being done for the day and having the rest of the day to do whatever I feel like without having the stress of finishing work when I got back home.