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New School Semester Tips

A new semester brings new classes as well as new opportunities, here are some tips for making the adjustment back.

Debby Hudson

A whole new school semester is about to begin. All of the Christmas and New Years celebrations have ended and it's time to go back to school and work. Getting back into a routine can be difficult so I thought I would share some of my tips for starting a new school semester.

Plan ahead.

Plan out everything you possibly can. Order your textbooks a week or two before returning to school. You don't want to order them too early because some professors don't list their course materials until it gets closer to when classes start. However, you want to make sure you do have them for your classes on the first day. Also, be sure to be reading your emails. Professors and other school administrators will begin sending important information via email, so be sure you are checking it. Lastly, if any professor releases a syllabus or other related course materials, read them as soon as possible. The syllabus for each of your classes holds crucial information you will want to know. It is also a good idea to go ahead and write down some important dates from them. Basically, do everything you can think of to plan ahead and prepare for classes, you will thank yourself later.

Give it some time.

Give yourself a grace period to get back into the groove of going to school. Going back to school after a break (especially a long one) is hard and it is going to take some time for everything to seem normal again. Just try your best to adjust and take one day at a time. Keep in mind that everyday will get a little easier and more normal, so just give yourself some time.

Manage your stress.

Managing your stress is very important in any stage of school that you're in. From high school to college to graduate school, a good amount of stress is involved. Throughout all of my years of going to school I have learned that is it especially easy to become stressed right when school starts. You have fallen out of your school routine and maybe have forgotten how much work you will have. Nonetheless, don't stress out about it. The more you go to class and complete assignments, the more manageable the work becomes. Once you find your school routine again, all of the work you are challenged with becomes your new normal. It all just becomes a part of your everyday schedule and you learn to manage it. So, try not to stress out and remember that everything will fall into place.

Stay focused.

Remember the reason why you are in school in the first place, to receive an education and to learn. That being said, your classes and assignments should be one of your top priorities. It is important to have other aspects to your life besides school work, but school is also very important. Especially if you're in college or graduate school, the fact that you're paying thousands of dollars to go to school should be a pretty good incentive to work hard. Lastly, remember that what you're doing has purpose and value and will pay off in the long run. Nothing worth having is easy so that's why getting an education is such a challenge.

I hope you found some of this advice helpful as you begin to go to classes again. Readjusting back to school is difficult to say the least, but just remember that you made it through one semester already so you can handle this one. I wish you the best of luck.

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