Before you, I was a Grinch. I felt cold to the word LOVE. Even telling my mom "I Love You" made me feel numb. I told a guy that I was scared to say I Love You because every time I do, I get hurt. The very next day he shattered me. People always promised me they'd change, and when the second chance came around they were still the same negative Nancy they had been. No one ever really changes, do they? I had felt my heart continually shrink over a period of 6 months. Then one day, out of complete nowhere, I met you. I was a little weary to even respond to you. Not a bone in my body even remotely regrets it. You have shown me, in a little over two weeks, that love isn't supposed to scare me. Before you, and time someone got close to me, I'd pull away and run the other way. I was a deer in headlights. Driving down the road one day after a really long motorcycle ride with you, I caught myself smiling like a child with her first crush. In that exact moment, I felt like the Grinch. Not the mad and upset Grinch, but the Grinch who, after hearing the Who's singing, could feel his heart growing exponentially. I began to feel that warm fuzzy feeling I had once felt before, and I couldn't resist the urge to smile. I could slowly feel myself falling for you. That's the feeling I miss. I cannot begin to explain what it feels like to actually feel yourself, after a period of sheer darkness, rising to love someone. You are slowly pulling me out of the black hole I drowned myself in. You make me smile like a child who has just gotten her first bike for Christmas. I seriously cannot begin to explain how I feel about you. It's a peaceful happy, a content happy. A happy that even my mom has noticed. My pawpaw told me the other night,
" Princess, whoever you've been since Nana died hasn't been you. The second he showed up, my Princesses smile glowed once again. You're happy, and it makes my heart happy knowing he brought you back to life."
That was the second time in my entire life my Pawpaw has ever made me cry.
So enough of those really depressing, heartbroken stories from me. You are a true blessing, and even though my faith isn't the strongest, I thank God for your beautiful soul every day. I really do. The only way I can explain it in words, "I am so damn twitterpated with you."