For those of you who don't know this about me, I'm terrified of change. It makes me anxious, nervous and uncomfortable. Whether it's new places to shop or meeting new people, I literally can't do it.
And for those you who don't know, or don't go to USC, they've completely redone our main dining area on campus, also known as Russell House.
I'm excited because we have this new Tex-Mex place, a full-service Chick-fil-A, new seating areas and everything is just brighter. I am in love with how clean and fresh and aesthetically pleasing everything is. It also seems that the food quality is better and that there is care and preparation that goes into each meal, which I am not 100% sure I felt that way before.
However, because everything is so new, everyone wants to get in on it. And do you know what happens when thousands of people want the same things at the same time? That's right, LINES! I don't mean to sound rude or impatient or high maintenance, but I think it's reasonable to say that, unless I'm at a sit-down restaurant, I shouldn't have to wait 45 minutes or more for my food.
I think that's a fair assessment, right? However, last night I went into the Russell House University Union and I was there for at least an hour waiting for food because the lines were that long.
Not only are the lines ridiculous but obviously everything is new and different. Which is bad.
First of all, as I said before, I don't do well with change. So the fact that everything in the Russell House is different is so hard for me. I'm a Junior now so everything has been the same for two whole years. I could just walk in, I knew where everything was, what I wanted and when, and approximately how long it would take me to get it.
But now I can't plan for any of those things and I no longer have the answers. Which is terrifying because I love structure and a good plan that can and will be executed.
I still haven't memorized where everything is in there. I haven't eaten at all of the places so I don't know what's good and what to stay away from yet. Also, because everything is so new and I'm not comfortable with it yet, I can't just run in by myself, get my food and leave. I have to ask other people to come with me for moral support. And I despise being that needy.
So yes, in theory, it's great that we have all these new things. It's a way for the university to market to prospective students. And we have all this new food that tastes pretty good. However, all this change at once is a lot to take in, especially for all of the upperclassmen I've spoken to.
So thanks RHUU! But also... keep it.