For most of my life, I considered myself to be an Independent. I was more in the middle than Malcolm. I swayed from left to right depending on the issue, not following any party line, only believing what I was taught was right and my own personal feelings on the matter.
When I was a young girl, I talked to my dad about politics a lot. More specifically, I would bring up a topic and receive an hour long lecture on this topic and many more like it.
His way of thinking influenced mine only because it opened my eyes to things I had never thought about. Or was incapable of thinking about at the time.
It wasn't until I took a government class that I realized that as I had grown up and begun to see the world around me that I realized that my beliefs were starting to shift more on what this country perceives as the right side- or Republican.
In learning about our system of government and how it works and the two political parties, I was reminded a lot of the talks I had had with my father and articles I had read on the internet and it was a very confusing time to decide my own political beliefs, because no matter what side I picked I was bound to receive hate from the opposition.
In today's political climate, I am usually very quiet and mellow about my beliefs, especially because I am attending one of the most liberal colleges in my state. I was quiet because I was trying to avoid the negative stereotypes of the right-wing stance.
I am a Republican, but not for the reasons you may think. Not because of my father and not because of what anyone has said to me, and certainly not because of any religion.
I am a Republican because the beliefs of the party align with my beliefs of how the government should be run, how we as humans should be governed, and how human life should be regarded, and as an extension align with my own personal beliefs.
Most of the beliefs, I should say. I won't say which as to avoid political arguments and disputes in the comments section.
I am not stupid. I am not illiterate. And I'm not the stereotypical republican woman that has been portrayed in the news.
I'm not heartless, and I'm certainly not closed-minded. I will be happy to debate with you, as long as tempers are kept in check. I love exchanging ideas with those that believe differently than I do.
I find that in doing so keeps me grounded, and makes me tolerant to those who have grown to see the world in a different light than I have. I grew up in a small town to a middle-class family, and I understand that that is not the case for everyone.
So before you make assumptions, I urge you to speak. Not only to me but to women like me as well. It might be just what we need in American society.