One of the most fulfilling experiences in the world is meeting new people. Sometimes you just know that you're going to have a great time with them or you just admire something about them or the way they carry themselves. It is sometimes extremely easy to form friendships and other connections with new people because you just feel like you've known them for a long time. This is not always the case. It can be very nerve-wracking and just plain difficult for some people to form these new relationships, whether it is because they are too shy, they have unconscious biases that prevent them from making new friends or some other reason. But get this: meeting new people and making connections can be fun and is definitely worth it.
Although it can be difficult to meet new people or even to be the one to start the conversation, there are more pros than cons to making connections. The term "making connections" has come to have a negative connotation because people believe that these "connections" are only to exploit the resources that people have available to them. There are many more reasons for making connections and also many pros.
This may seem obvious, but some people do not believe that we need to know people and form human connections with them in order to survive, succeed and prosper in life. The sad reality is that sometimes if you don't know someone in the company you're applying to, you may not even get an interview for the job. Sad, but true.
On the more positive side, you need and may want connections for so many things in life.
Listed below are five reasons why making connections can make our lives easier, more fun and fuller.
1. Companionship
One of the most important things in life is to have someone to talk to. Whether it's to bounce ideas off of, to talk about life or simply to catch up and get to know each other, we sometimes need someone to talk to.
2. Two heads are better than one
The more people you know (especially if they have different backgrounds), the wider your perspective on the world-at-large will be. You will also have someone to discuss ideas with and the possibility for more input increases as the number of connections increase. The more people you know, the more connections you form and the better you will be for it.
3. Motivation
Most of us have those days when we don't want to do anything because we feel like we'll fail at anything we try to accomplish. Sometimes when our parents tell us "you can do it, just believe in yourself," it sounds like utter nonsense. But lo and behold, when our friends say something that's the least bit motivational, we feel like we've listened to a motivational speaker. You can do this for someone or someone can do this for you, but only if you go out there and make connections.
4. Wider range of knowledge
The more people we know and the more successful they are, the more we feel the urge to be successful ourselves, in most cases. Success doesn't necessarily rub off, but an environment conducive to success tends to lead to more successful people.
5. You'll always have someone to hang out with.
Isn't it annoying when you really want to hang out with one of your friends and they have plans? What's even more annoying is when that's the only friend you have. When you have a wider circle of friends, you'll always have people to go to that party with. As trivial as this may seem, mental health is extremely important and one way to ensure that we have someone to talk to in a relaxed environment is to "hang out".
Now, I'm sure you can find many more reasons for making connections. Our relationships with people can be what saves us in life or even make our lives much better than they would have been. Comment on this article and let me know your five reasons!