Ever since I started undergraduate school I've been smothered in so much music it's almost suffocating. But it's the good kind of suffocation where you're hugging someone you haven't seen in a while and you're hugging each other so tight you can't breathe.
From classical, to 80's to contemporary and music that doesn't even have a genre, I think experiencing new music can make you more open minded and more creative.
I have listened to several new artists these past couple of months but I am going to pin point the exact ones who have given me twice the creativity.
1. Dodie Clark
From London, England, Dodie Clark started her YouTube channel in February of 2011. Since then she's become quite the little internet super star. With 740k subscribers her soft voice and quick ukulele strums will have you nostalgically staring outside the window on a rainy Spring afternoon.
She just wrapped up a short US tour opening for Tessa Violet, I believe and she is just beaming! I follow her on Twitter and she's so adorable.
If you like fun acoustic music she's probably the best fit for you. She just released her first EP Intertwined literally days ago (to which I pre ordered weeks prior), and for $6 her beautifully written and touching choruses will send you into a peaceful and euphoric state. And if you have Spotify Premium or Apple Music it is also available for streaming.
She's also recently opened up about being bisexual and is quite possibly the sweetest human being on the face of the planet. Go check out her YouTube and then buy her EP!
2. Keaton Henson
Another artist from London whom a good friend introduced me to. His music is so beautifully symphonic and warm. No exaggeration, but I was listening to him during a cold day and for some reason my body became a radiator because it was that intense.
When you listen to his music, especially with headphones, it sounds like you're in the room with him. His voice is so raw and gentle at the same time. It's almost kind of creepy but in a beautiful way. You've never experienced intimate music until you listen to his.
With a new release this year of Kindly Now, he's going on tour soon so catch those tickets or at least give his music a listen. My creativity has skyrocketed since then.
3. Kodaline
Now some of you may or may not have heard them but if you haven't, educate yourself!
Dublin based quartet with some very nice facial hair, Kodaline has turned into my new favorite alternative band. I learned about them when I was writing an essay for my class and I had to write about a song from a movie soundtrack. I chose TFiOS soundtrack and they're song "All I Want" turned into the song I chose to write about and quite possibly my favorite song for some time.
They easily go from intimate with an effortless voice to fun and upbeat. They honestly blow me away. Check them out! They just released their Live and Ready EP where they do they take their most famous songs and recorded them live in front of a crowd and last year released their second studio album Coming Up For Air
Well there you have it! Three artists for the week. Tune in next week for more!