Do you remember the excitement you had for new beginnings just at the beginning of this month? Were you one of those people who said something like, "New year, new me," and then kind of forgot to change your habits? Or, are you just a person who loves change?
January 27th and 28th brought in a new moon, in Aquarius. This is the time to say goodbye to old habits that never die, the rut that you find yourself crawling back into, the bed in which you lie that you've come to resent. 2017 is about new beginnings.
Often, people bite off more than they can chew for their New Years Resolution. Within the first few weeks of the new year, people completely forget about their passion for making changes for the better and resort back to what is comfortable. If this were going to be easy, believe me, everyone would've done it already.
This new moon, so close to the end of the month, can serve as a restart to your year. What did you try and fail in the last few weeks? What did you see yourself being able to accomplish, but weren't able to quite get it done? Life is a constant working draft, and the final product isn't due until you die. So never hesitate to stop editing your story.
Whether you buy into the whole "new moon" thing or not, you should take this opportunity to recalibrate and to reset your intentions for this year. 1/12th of 2017 is already coming to a close; what are you going to do for the other 11 months of this year?
Make a list of what you wish to accomplish. Take it one wish at a time. Once you feel comfortable and successful in what you've done, move on to the next one. Don't just start with the easiest first! In fact, starting with the hardest or the one that's going to take the longest to complete would be the smarter way to get going.
This time next year, you'll be glad you started today. Every single small change will add up, believe me. And the second you feel like giving up, think about how incredible it will feel to kick that feeling's ass, again and again. Happy New Moon, everyone. - JW