Having a broken heart is never easy to get
You get over him like this:
At first, you don’t.
His name is a note you can’t using. His name is a face you can't unsee.
Eventually, your body gets sick and tired of making so many tears over the same person over and over and over again.
Eventually, your body gets sick and tired of making so many tears over the same person who broke you.
Your body says “Hey, listen up! It was a long time ago. You will get through this.” and for a second you feel whole but then.
You see him in a local coffee shop and your heart just drops to the floor.
And your hands start to shake and sweat. You get really nervous. You want to throw up and you walk out.
You can’t explain to your friends why this one boy has messed you up. You can't explain the way he made you feel. You just can't explain anymore because you’ve already talked their ears off.
So you go home and have a good old-fashioned cry and just let it out but...
Somewhere in that night or the next two weeks to two months
the things that keeping coming to the surface start getting really old and
you start turning over your relationship in your palms
and to start to discover the ugly truth you’ve been hiding
from yourself for so long and you think
maybe it’s wasn’t always peaceful heaven maybe it was actually the fiery pits of hell
So you write about him and cry about him and
get him out of yourself, however, you can,
You scrape yourself clean of everything until there’s nothing left
And rebuild from the ground up and become a better you for yourself
Some wicked parts of you still want to talk to him but you look at yourself in the mirror and say “Look, I’m new now, I’m different, I'm better, I'm not who I was anymore!”
but you don’t ...
Because you haven't figure out how to straighten out the voices in your head that keep wanting to talk to him
You haven't figure out how to straighten out the voices in your head that keep wanting to be with him
So you write about him and make a stupid poetry blog about him with red blood and black ink
You make playlists of songs that you found way after him and you make yourself okay again eventually because
The truth is, you were whole before you found him,
You have just forgotten how to be who you are without him.
Don’t worry, my love, all it takes is a little soul-searching, some crying, some writing, some nights where you think you will never get over him
But trust me, you will.
You will feel better.
And best of all you will rediscover who you are.
You are better off without him.