Learning a new language is far from easy- its like being thrown on a bike at the age of 4 without training wheels and being pushed down a hill while someone yelling, "don't worry, you'll catch on!!".
I am tackling the widely used and beneficial language of Spanish this semester. While Elementary Spanish might not sound intimidating, sit through one class with a professor who has to speak 90% Spanish for the duration of each class and then let me know how you feel.
Although this has only been day two of classes and I am extremely frustrated and scared and down right fighting a migraine, I am so proud of myself! Learning a new language at the age of 21 is difficult. Have you ever heard that it is easier to learn a language while you are young? Boy, do I believe that.
Not only will this class require my dire attention and countless conversations with myself in Spanish, it requires a new mindset. An open and willing mindset. That is my favorite factor of learning a new language so far. I have to want adventure, conversation, understanding, new relationships, farther connections and more knowledge. After completing these Spanish courses I will be able to communicate with double the amount of people I used to be able too. I will be able to travel confidently. I will be able to understand and learn from different cultures and backgrounds.
Learning a new language does not only mean that I am adding credentials to my resume or that I can look knowledgeable communicating my order at my favorite Taco Tuesday location. It means I am opening up an entire another world. And it is all because I crave that adventure and those new connections.
So, although I might leave class each day with a new headache, or frustration so deep I can't stand to read another sentence, English or Spanish, for the rest of the day- I am going to persist. I am going to train, study, practice and apply everything I learn each day.
Because in the end the more adventure and knowledge you have, the happier you are. So a little frustration for the next few years is worth the lifetime of adventure I will gain from this.