Change is scary. Change is even scarier when you are becoming the 'newbie' all over again. When you leave an old job, or even just starting your very first one, you are never clear of the road ahead. There are so many people you will come in contact with that will know everything and anything, and it's really intimidating. Making new friends, learning new tasks and just molding yourself into the 'norm' is a job in itself. It is scary, believe me, but only for a short time. For the first week, you will encounter things that will make you panic, excited, nervous and everything in between. You are not alone in feeling the way you do, nor alone on the thoughts going on in your head those starting few days of a new job. They might, or did, look something like this:
1. Was
I actually hired or did I make this up in my head?
2. OK, I should leave two hours before my shift, just incase I hit traffic, right?
3. Where do I park? I hope no one sees how confused I am where to park.
4. Please don't look like an idiot. Please don't look like an idiot.
5. Nothing to see here! Just don't know what I'm doing.
6. I remember how to do that! OK, maybe not.
7. Help me!
8. I promise you, sir. I'm not dumb, just new.
9. Where is the bathroom?
10. What is a W-4 form?
11. I wonder when I get paid.
12. I look cute in this uniform.
13. Why do I look fat in this uniform?
14. Can I have more coffee?
15. Look at me, I'm an all-star. I got this.
16. I think I'm going to like it here.