Anyone who was born and raised in New Jersey, also known as Jersey or Dirty Jersey, can relate to the typical stereotype that outsiders have for all people who originated in New Jersey. Whether people have saw The Real House Wives of New Jersey or Jersey Shore, they establish an opinion based off those shoes. NEWSFLASH: not all people act like the people on these shows. A lot of people from New Jersey are down to earth people who know how to have a good time. Almost all the characters that cast on Jersey Shore are not even from New Jersey, but were rather recruited for the show. When people jump to conclusions about others from New Jersey, it absolutely drives me crazy.
There are definitely parts of New Jersey that have the stereotypical people who act like the cast members from these shows, or who live a life based around these shows, but the majority of the people who are from Jersey live their regular lifestyle that is compared to everyone else.
When I first got to college and people asked where I was from, I was almost skeptical to say “New Jersey” because of the reactions people have created in their minds previously to meeting me. Just because a few stupid shows about people living together at the shore were created, people change their outlook on all people from New Jersey. Yes, I admit I have been to the Jersey Shore house and seen the duck phone, but that was not the number one list of things to do when I was at the beach with friends or family. There are a lot of hardworking people who live in New Jersey and many people grow up and realize they want to leave Jersey because it is a very populated state.
New Jersey also has many different atmosphere types, depending on where you visit or where you are from. There are plenty parts of the actual Jersey Shore that are beautiful, wealthy, and fun places to be. There are also countrysides, including some awesome hikes (which usually lead to bodies of water), in the northern part of the state. There is also the High Point Monument in High Point State Park, which is park’s most popular attraction.
Another benefit of New Jersey is the school systems that many students attend. New Jersey has a high amount of popular public and private schools, which offer some of the better educations around.
So yes, although there are many dumb reality shows based in the state of New Jersey, there are also many cool things to do around New Jersey and intelligent people that come from New Jersey. People need to think twice about basing their opinions solely off of televisions shows because it is not always the way the entire state is. Stereotypes of New Jersey tend to be quite negative, but that is unnecessary because not all of New Jersey go to Karma every night and cause drama.